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Analysis of the Crying Of Lot 49 Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Prompt: Pynchon provides big challenges (and Major headaches) to the reader used in fiction to “connecting the dots” For the quiz, connect these to passages:

1:”……Oedipa,had been named executor, or she supposed executrix, of the estate of one Pierce Inverarity, a California real estate mogul who had once lost two million dollars in his spare time, but still had assets numerous and tangled enough to make the job of sorting it all out more than honorary”(p1)

2.”She had dedicated herself, weeks ago, to making sense of what Inverarity had left behind, never suspecting that the legacy was America”(p147 four page before the end)

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Analysis of the Crying Of Lot 49
Oedipa, had been named executor, or she supposed executrix, of the estate of one Pierce Inverarity, a California real estate mogul who had once lost two million dollars in his spare time, but still had assets numerous and tangled enough to make the job of sorting it all out more than honorary(p1)
She had dedicated herself, weeks ago, to making sense of what Inverarity had left behind, never suspecting that the legacy was America(p147 four page before the end)
America was changing and the capitalist expansion would likely slow down yet few people realized this as Oedipa found out. It is not clear what Oedipa Maas inherits despite being made the executor of Inverarity’s statute as there are clues related to his assets, San Narciso and the US. Maas also grows suspicious that Inverarity might have tried to harass her with endless chasing of something ambiguous, maybe he was paranoid or even conspired against her (Pynchon, 1944). Oedipa had to make sense of things to tell the story of the mysterious Inverarity, her one time lover. At the end, there are clues and memories that serve to guide Oedipa to understand Inverarity’s intention. The novel is ambiguous as the opening and closing do not fully tell the reader what to expect, but the author alludes to the story being America’s fate.
There are various questions raised but they remain unanswered and even the title of the novel may mean different things. San Narciso thrived in the past and is mysterious compared to the rest of Southern California, when Oedipa went there it was almost static, and this is one of the unresolved issues on what happened there. The sale of Inverarity’s stamp collection is one way to ...
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