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The Importance of Proper Battery Disposal

Essay Instructions:

this just needs to be a simple high school level paper on the importance of proper battery disposal,

the reasons why it is important

the effects on the planet when the batteries are not disposed of properly

and some new methods that people can use to dispose of batteries easily and safely in USA

please call me if any issues arise, this deadline is fixed there is no room for extra time

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The Importance of Proper Battery Disposal Institution Affiliation Name Date The Importance of Proper Battery Disposal Batteries contain several dangerous heavy metals and toxic chemicals that make disposing of them just like the normal regular trash a huge threat to our environment. These heavy metals and toxic chemicals in batteries are usually responsible for severe soil contamination and pollution of water sources in the environment (Adamo, 2006). They begin to leak in the ground thus causing so much harm to the surrounding ecosystem. It has grown to be a significant concern, not only to environmentalists but also to industrialists who believe the best ways of disposing of means involving the option of re-use. Proper disposal of batteries is essential in several ways. First, proper battery disposal reduces the risk of environmental pollution. Poor disposal of batteries, like tossing them into an open field poses a threat of soil contamination from the chemicals which are used to manufacture the batteries. With time, the chemicals will begin to leak into the ground thus contaminating that soil, and if it is disposed near a water source, these chemicals would be washed into the water source, causing massive pollution, and putting lives in danger. Proper disposal would prevent these from happening. Secondly, it is essential to dispose of batteries because it gives room for their recycling properly. Most batteries today are recyclable, and this usually happens by collecting all disposed of batteries then uses them as raw materials to manufacture new ones. This has grown to not only be environmentally friendly, but also it is a cost-effective exercise that is saving battery manufacturers time for production as well as the cost to produce. Once batteries are used, they would be disposed off the right way in a single pool, for accessible collection back to the industry for manufacturing ( Bensch et al., 2017). This helps a lot in conserving the environment, as opposed to disposing of them off in any location, spreading their effects on soil and water everywhere, and all over. When batteries are not properly disposed of, they have several effects on the planet. First, batteries are a significant contributor to the dilapidation of natural resources. Their production, transportation, and distribution do consume natural resources hence affecting the environment. When this is coupled with their effects on the environment when poorly disposed, it becomes a significant threat to the planet. When batteries are not disposed of properly, they become significant contributors to climate change and global warming (Erickson et al., 2016). The chemicals contained in batteries to a more considerable extent contribute to greenhouse grass emissions which are very detrimental to the ozone layer. Poor disposal of batteries causes water pollution. There are possible toxic risks associated with poor disposal of batteries. These risks come as a result of the emission of chemicals contained in the batteries, into water sources. These chemical filled liquids contain dissolved metals and corrosive liquids which are very poisonous to plants, animals and aqua life. The other effect of batteries if poorly disposed of is it poses a threat to human health. Batteries are made from chemical compounds, which include chemicals such as lead, nickel, and cadmium, which are known as carcinogens. Lead is a hazardous c...
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