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A World of Animation and You

Essay Instructions:

Writing Assignment: A World of Animation and You

In our course, we have watched films in several different animation subgenres, from various countries, and from various periods in time throughout history. We have also discussed many of the films and written about some of them. Being your instructor is a learning experience for me, and it’s important for me to know more about your experience in the class. By informing me in written form, you may wind up better identifying your experiences this semester for yourself, as well. 

For your final writing assignment, please write a 4-page paper (doublespaced, 12 pt. font, must be typed—not handwritten) by addressing the prompts below. This is opinion-based; there are no right or wrong answers.

1. In addition to discussing facts of animation history, we’ve talked a lot about the emotional impact of animated films, both on a personal and on a cultural level. Did our class sessions change or enrich your personal understanding of the animation medium in any way, and if so, how? If not, why not?

2. Watching films privately, at home, is much different from watching films on a big screen, with an audience. Was there any added benefit for you in watching our selected films with classmates, and how might that have affected your emotional response to the films?

3. Tell me about any particular films from the class (they need not be your favorites!) that are memorable because you learned something unexpected about them. Did seeing the films in a class boost your curiosity about them, more so than if you might have casually seen them outside of class?

4. What is the most noteworthy thing you learned about a film or about a classmate as a result of the student curation days? What value did this activity have for you personally?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
A World of Animation Author Name Institution Affiliation Q1. In addition to discussing facts of animation history, we’ve talked a lot about the emotional impact of animated films, both on a personal and on a cultural level. Did our class sessions change or enrich your personal understanding of the animation medium in any way, and if so, how? If not, why not? The class session and active discussions on animation movies have enabled me to learn that animation movies are becoming far more popular than ever, not only amongst children and youngsters but also amongst adults. Have you ever wondered or questioned yourself why that is? The fact behind this secret is that making animation movies gives its maker or animator an endless array of opportunities to explore. He or she can achieve almost anything and everything that cannot be achieved in the case of a human character and real locations. This has allowed the filmmakers to draw any concept from their wildest imagination and create animation with the help of computer and present it to the audience. That is why animation movies have a much more emotional link to the people of all age and background as compared to the human actors. I think the animation movies also create a great cultural effect. For instance, Japanese pop culture has penetrated America, especially New York City, with the increasing popularity of animation and manga. These animation movies and cartoons have not only changed the way film is made in Hollywood, but it has also penetrated the fashion, food and architecture industry. This penetration has grown so much that scholars are warning the authorities before it is too late. The educational institutes and independent organizations are carrying out research projects to study and evaluate various apparent and hidden effects of Japanese animation. The opportunity to create a larger than life animated character and the world around that character has enabled the relevant industry to take control of people’s mind as many studies show the extreme impact of animation on the human mind. This effect can sometimes remain unknown and functions at the backend of our mind. Animation movies are known to leave a long-lasting effect than its counterpart; that is why the viewers across the globe repeatedly watch the animation movies. Q2. Watching films privately, at home, is much different from watching films on a big screen, with an audience. Was there any added benefit for you in watching our selected films with classmates, and how might that have affected your emotional response to the films? In my opinion, both watching films at home in a private setting and watching films in a class setting, have their own pros and cons. Watching films at home gives us the comfort level which can enable us to focus deeply on the aspects of a film. As a viewer, we can process all the information at our pace with our understandings. In a home setting, you can relate yourself more deeply and greatly to the characters and the certa...
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