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Peer review. Literature & Language Assignment. Summarize letter.

Essay Instructions:

We need to complete the questions AND write an summarize letter.

The summarize letter should be 200-350 words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Peer Review
Author Name
University Name
1. Does the project have a catchy informative title? How does the introduction HOOK your attention? Does the introduction discuss the issue and the background/context of the issue?
Though the project has an informative title, I feel that the title (Artificial Intelligence: A Solution For Today And Tomorrow) was better to be something like “How Artificial Intelligence Can Shape Our Future?” Besides its title, the introductory paragraph hooks my attention and discusses the main issue, urging me to read the entire post.
2. Is the thesis statement clearly stated and arguable?
Yes, the thesis statement is clearly stated and arguable.
3. Identify the target audience. Identify a secondary audience. Does the writer use language and tone appropriate for his or her audience? Are terms defined? If not, make suggestions for improvement?
The target audience for this project is people who are interested in scientific and technological advancements, and the ones who want to know more about latest discoveries and inventions. The secondary audience is the students and scholars who are to carry out different research projects on artificial intelligence. The writer uses simple and straightforward language, and the tone is appropriate and understandable for the audience. Similarly, the terms have been properly defined throughout the text.
4. Is the essay arranged logically? Does each paragraph develop one idea that supports the thesis? Does each topic sentence refer back to the thesis? If not, suggest a better arrangement or organization.
The essay is arranged meaningfully and logically, engaging more and more people, and every paragraph does develop an idea that accompanies supporting examples. All topic sentences are clear, concise, and refer back to the thesis.
5. Does the primary evidence to support the thesis well? Does the writer include at least three scholarly sources and three other secondary sources (one is visual)? Do these sources explain the problem/issue include at least two counter-arguments? Are the primary research results included and explained? (Make suggestions for any additional sources needed to make the argument more convincing.)
Yes, the primary evidence supports the thesis well, urging me to read the entire piece to know more about artificial intelligence. The writer has made the wise of scholarly and visual sources to support his arguments and to clarify his point of view. All of the sources mentioned by this writer are relevant and explain the issue comprehensively. Moreover, the primary research results are well-explained and thoughtful. Still, it was better for the writer to come up with more visual sources that could support his thesis statement in a better way. He could make his arguments more convincing with visual sources and journals.
6. Does the conclusion summarize the main points and leave the readers with something to think about?
The conclusion section of this project shares all details and leaves us with something to think about. For example, the section where the writer says that the people will soon lose their jobs because of artificial intelligence makes me think what types of jobs he is talking about and what type of refresher courses would be the best.
7. How does the visual (one is required) help persuade the audience? Appeal to Pathos? Logos? Are more visuals needed?
The visuals have been wisely used to appeal the audience, and I don’t think more visuals are needed.
8. Evaluating the authors' argument
• How effectively does the writer use...
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