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The Role Played by Canada in the World Since 1945 to Date

Essay Instructions:

Write a two to three page essay (between six hundred and seven hundred words) in which you consider how valuable Canada's role has been in the world since 1945. Some things to consider include:

Canada's role in the UN, NATO, and NORAD;

the international conflicts Canada became involved in and the ones Canada did not;

consider how Canada's foreign policy changed over the years; and

consider how the end of communism and the new world order has affected Canada.

There is no shortage of material to write about. Be careful how you organize it to make a purposeful, united essay. Review the evaluation guidelines to see how your work will be marked.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Role Played By Canada in the World since 1945 to Date
Institutional affiliation
The Part Played by Canada Globally Since 1945 to the Present Date
Canada has played a valuable role in the world since 1945 and this mission has continued to this day. Canada is known globally to be a peace-loving country through its participation in various peacekeeping missions across the world. This has been witnessed in its contributions to organizations such as the UN, NORAD, and NATO. Globally, Canada is largely prominent in relation to its policies. This paper intends to chronologically identify the part played by Canada on the global stage since 1945 to date in making the world a better place.
The purpose of the United Nations is to promote peace and economic progress on a global scale. The second organization, which is North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) that was formulated in 1949, had an express purpose of guarding the Western countries against any attack from the Soviet Union. The North American Defense System (NORAD) was also involved in an agreement between Canada and America to halt or confront any attack on North America.
Canada’s role has been visible in the Security Council as well as the General assembly the moment it acquired its seat in 1948. It was also active in the drafting of the UN Charter. The country has also been instrumental in safeguarding the rights and interests of the refugees, initiating development projects in the emerging countries and assisting during natural disasters.
After the Second World War, there was the emergence of the Cold War, which was not fought on the battlefie...
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