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ENG 100 Persuasive Essay with Research. Organic foods is good.

Essay Instructions:

ENG 100 Persuasive Essay with Research
Task:  Write a 1000-word (about 4 pages) persuasive essay on one of the topics given in class.
Sources:  You need to incorporate two articles from Opposing Viewpoints one credible website in your essay.  Two sources should support your claim.  The other source should oppose your point of view.  Do NOT use more than 5 sources total in your essay.
Requirements:  Your essay must include the following:
1) An introduction which focuses on the seriousness of the topic and includes a clear thesis statement along with a forecast of the major reasons that will be presented in the essay.
2) Four body paragraphs.  Each of these paragraphs must start with a topic sentence which includes a transitional expression.  There should be several supporting sentences that help to prove the main idea of each paragraph.  Use examples, statistics, anecdotes, or authorities to help support the main ideas.  The last body paragraph must anticipate and refute an objection to your point of view.  This must be a complete paragraph and include appropriate support to convince your readers that your point of view is credible.
3) The concluding paragraph should restate the thesis in different words, summarize the main ideas, and end with some convincing comments.
4) Cite any references used from the articles provided on our course site. (Author's last name and year) - According to Meeder (2019), ...  You should include at least 5 references to outside sources (use the articles given).  If it is a direct quote, put " " marks around the cited material.
5) Reference Page– At the end of your essay, include an alphabetical list of the sources used in your paper.
1) Title Page:  On your title page include a running head with a shortened title in ALL CAPS at the top of your title page.  Also, on the title page, include your name, your instructor's name, the course/section, institution’s name, and date. Follow APA format.  (See video on the course site.)
2) Spacing/Margins:  Your essay should be double spaced with 1 inch margins on the top, bottom, left, and right of the paper. 
3) Paper:  - Print should only be on one side of each page of your essay.  Do not print double sided.  Also make sure that you staple your essay in the upper left hand corner.  Use 12 point font (Times New Roman.


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Food is one of the most important necessities. It is essential in one’s life as it is the main source of energy for the body to maintain its bodily function. How healthy one is can be determined by the food he/she eats. A healthy diet is comprised of healthy proportions of various nutrients containing carbohydrates, fat, proteins, as well as vitamins, and minerals. The majority of these are mostly found in the food that one consumed. It is important to choose the right kinds of food and be cautious in what should be eaten to avoid any negative consequences that can greatly impact the health. A current trend to maintain a healthy lifestyle is choosing and eating organic food. Organic food has been gaining global momentum because people have recognized its importance. Organic food should be incorporated into daily consumption as it can benefit one greatly and provides less risk (Van Huylenbroek et al., 2009).
Before tackling the issue of going organic, what is organic food? Organic foods, by definition, are those that are grown without utilizing any form of synthetic chemicals for fertilizers and pesticides. Moreover, these crops are not incorporated with any genetically modified organisms (GMOs). These kinds of food include a variety of freshly produced crops, dairy products, and meat. This also includes processed foods such as frozen meals, crackers, and drinks. Organic foods have been supported and promoted by various interest groups to spread their benefits and advantages (Hughner et al., 2007).
To reduce the increasing rate of obesity and overweight, one should avoid an unhealthy lifestyle and start eating organic. As reported by Whiteman (2014), worldwide rates for obesity and overweight have been increasing over the last years and have peaked by 27.5% for adults while a 47.1% increase for children and adolescents. A factor that could have contributed to this is increasing establishments of fast-food restaurants which provides accessibility and convenience to consumers. Moreover, instant food has been emerging in the markets and have become so common in convenience stores. This has led people to consume the wrong kinds of food and chose convenience over health. Organic food has been regarded as an expensive product in the market. People have the notion that going organic would cost so much, thus, preferring convenient and unhealthy foods over the healthy living.
Another challenge is maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the hectic schedule of the people. One thing that led people to choose convenient and comfortable foods is the demand for work. To pay the bills and meet the deadlines on time, it is almost impossible for these busy people to prepare he...
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