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Formulating Impressions

Essay Instructions:

or this week's discussion we are examining how impressions are formed, and how those impressions effect personal, professional, and social harmony or disharmony. The information on these concepts is both in this week's e-text reading as well as in the Power Point. Please answer the following questions IN PARAGRAPH/ESSAY FORM.

1. What is a snap judgement, a systemic judgement, and how is each formed?

2. What are the differences between prejudice and discrimination?

3. How can the use of systemic judgements reduce prejudice and discrimination in society?

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Formulating impressions is complex, where an individual must consider the information before making a judgment about other people. The impressions can either be positive or negative, and the final judgments might not always be accurate. People can make either snap judgments or systemic judgment. A snap judgment involves a choice that is made swiftly, and the person depends on preconceived notions or bits of details about the situation under consideration. Snap judgments are not accurate since the decision relies on automatic processing. Systematic judgments are more accurate since the person takes time to understand the context before making a decision. This involves forming impressions of the other individual that can impact our welfare or happiness.
Prejudice is a negative perception towards others who are regarded as different from th...
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