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Why is it important to understand and adhere to ethical standards in academic and the professional world?

Essay Instructions:

Academic integrity is a serious thing while one is pursuing a degree. Like most aspects of college, you are being prepared for life in the professional world which requires one to produce original work or properly credit sources from which one pulls information. In college, if one is caught cheating or plagiarizing the results could be as minor as a zero on an assignment or a severe as academic probation or expulsion from the school. In the professional world, if one is caught violating standards of work integrity then the results are usually loss of the position, but it could be a severe as being ostracized from the professional field in which one works. As a scientist, if I were to pass off another's research as my own then it could result in me being "black-listed" in the scientific community, so its not just a matter of losing one's current job, but it could prevent one from ever being hired in that field again. Ultimately, violating academic/professional ethics is not worth the risk considering how much time and effort it takes one to earn a degree and establish the professional life one wants.

In ESSAY FORMAT (3-5 paragraph), and following the writing policies below, please provide a summary of the ethical standards discussed in the e-text chapter. Make sure to highlight the various forms of cheating and plagiarism, and finally discuss the professional field in which you are hoping to enter and how a violation of these standards could effect your professional future. This will be run through the plagiarism software, Turn It In, so makes sure your content is original and if you use outside resources that you cite them properly in-text and in a work cited section on its own page after the essay.


All papers must contain a proper left-aligned heading (your name, course, date) and a title (that is centered below the heading)

Indent the first line of all paragraphs

An academic paragraph must contain at least 3 sentences

Double-spaced ONLY (including between the header, title, and paragraphs)

12 point font ONLY

New Times Roman or Calabria font ONLY


Students may not submit course work from other classes

Written work is graded on its originality, content, clarity, and proper use of APA references/citations if they are required (direct quotes, statistical data, specific dated events).

All papers must contain proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure.

All papers must be submitted through Canvas

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical Standards in Academic and the Professional World
Students Name
Course Name
Instructor's Name
Ethical Standards in Academic and the Professional World
Ethics come in different types. However, professional and personal ethics are the two most commonly used types. People try to incorporate these ethics into their working environment to resonate with their organizations' professional standards. Resnik (2015) claims that violation of these moral standards may lead to termination of employment. Therefore, employees need to follow ethical guidelines in their profession and understand the significance of established organizational procedures. The paper explores the importance of moral principles and the need to understand and adhere to ethical standards in the academic and professional world.
Ethical standards in academics
If I were to choose a profession, I would prefer being a psychologist or serial killer researcher. Although not everybody would recommend selecting this profession am intrigued with the convictions of a serial killer's mind. Serial killers are people who kill others without giving any logical basis to justify their actions. (Resnik, 2015). The current studies on such people have mainly focused on their history and activities and what they lack in their lives that could inform their decisions to commit serial crimes
Ethics play an essential role that can help psychologists understand serial killers' minds and help them reduce or avoid committing such crimes. Usually, many people realize the need to adhere to specific ethical standards when they get terminated. For example, ethics play an integral role in forensic research and psychology by setting guidelines with which the researchers have to conduct themselves in these professions (Crawford, 2015). Secondly, ethics play a role in shaping forensic and psychology students' moral values, enabling them to understand professional codes of standard in their ...
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