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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 3.6

Action Plan for a SMART Goal. Literature & Language Essay.

Essay Instructions:

Throughout the course, we've identified several challenges to succeeding in college and some of the skills it would take to tackle these challenges. In Assignment #1, you identified a challenge that you face — How will you attempt to tackle the challenge? What's your goal? What strategies can you try to help you achieve your goal?

For this assignment, state one (1) SMART goal you want to accomplish this semester that will contribute to your success in college and create an action plan that breaks the goal into smaller, more achievable steps. Your action plan should include…

A list of steps you will take to accomplish your goal

An explanation of why these steps will contribute to accomplishing your goal

A timeline for completing these steps with an explanation of how you will track your progress (for example, using charts, calendars, journals, etc.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Action Plan for a SMART Goal
Student’s Name:
Unit Name & Number:
Date of Submission:
Action Plan for a SMART Goal
By setting goals, we provide ourselves with targets and objectives to achieve. A “SMART” goal is considered the conventional standard for individuals and organizations when setting objectives. “SMART” is a mnemonic abbreviation of Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely (Conzemius et al., 2009). Therefore, our goals should incorporate all those elements to increase our chances of achieving them.

Goal Statement:
To attain at least A- in all my units by the end of the semester. That will be an improvement because my current average grade is B-.

Action Plan Steps and their Importance to the goal


Plan assignments and study times for each course unit
* At the beginning of the semester, I will plan a specific time frame for each course unit and hold myself accountable for spending the set periods doing assignments and studying. I will use the library because it has the most conducive atmosphere for studying. Incase am unable to cover one of the periods because of unavoidable circumstances; I will reschedule it.
* This step will ensure that I have adequate time to study for all units, identify challenging areas, and take a...
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