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Define the science of psychology. Psychology Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be double‐spaced; refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements.

Part I: For this writing assignment you will discuss the four major perspectives of Psychology and give an example of each

For Part II: of the written assignment, explain why the following course objectives are important to understanding psychology:

1. Define the science of psychology.

2. Distinguish between a theory, a hypothesis, and an operational definition.

3. Explain how genes, chromosomes, DNA, and genomes all relate to one another and their importance to psychology.

4. Identify and describe the major structures of the central nervous system and their primary functions.

Please reference and include at least three scholarly articles within your response. Your minimum word count should be at least 750 words. Format your overall response according to APA style. The total assignment should be between three to six pages, not including title page and reference page.

Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be double‐spaced; refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements.  Part I: For this writing assignment you will discuss the four major perspectives of Psychology and give an example of each  For Part II: of the written assignment, explain why the following course objectives are important to understanding psychology:  1. Define the science of psychology.  2. Distinguish between a theory, a hypothesis, and an operational definition.  3. Explain how genes, chromosomes, DNA, and genomes all relate to one another and their importance to psychology.  4. Identify and describe the major structures of the central nervous system and their primary functions.   Please reference and include at least three scholarly articles within your response. Your minimum word count should be at least 750 words. Format your overall response according to APA style. The total assignment should be between three to six pages, not including title page and reference page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Psychology is the study of the mind, and behaviors and psychologists are often involved in studying and comprehending mental processes and brain function. Usually, the mind is complex, and the conditions associated with it might be complicated to understand. Psychologists are also keen on understanding how biological influences, social pressures, and environmental issues may affect how people act and think. Most importantly, psychological knowledge is essential because it helps individuals develop insights into their own knowledge and better understand other people.
Part I
The four perspectives of psychology may include the biological perspective that focuses on the physical and biological basis of an individual’s behavior. Moreover, the researcher may also be concerned with how genetics may influence one’s behavior or impact certain areas of the brain, thus affecting an individual’s behavior. Ordinarily, from the biological perspective, psychologists are determined at comprehending how the nervous system and hormones impacts behavior, and biological psychologists are keen on exploring the link between the mental states and hormones and how they can impact moods (Cherry, 2019). The psychodynamic perspective originated from Sigmund Freud, and it emphasizes the unconscious mind, interpersonal relationships, and childhood experiences to understand human behavior in relation to mental status. It is believed that the experiences that people have during their childhood may have a significant impact on their behaviors as adults.
The human perspective emphasizes holism, where psychologists look at the whole person including through the eyes of the observer. Additionally, psychologists maintain that a person’s behaviors are connected to one’s inner feelings. This perspective is also centered on free will explains that an individual potential may be realized through personal awareness. The behavioral perspective explains that behaviors can be trained or learned by watching others. This perspective maintains that behaviors are facilitated by a stimulus that triggers a response.
Part II
The science of psychology involves studying behavior and mental processes, which is critical in enhancing people’s lives and benefits society. Ordinarily, psychologists are involved in examining the relationships between brain functions and peoples’ behaviors and also evaluate how the immediate environment can influence behavior. The knowledge gained in the science of psychology can be used in promoting understanding of the world around. Psychologists are critical in studying ...
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