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Literature & Language Essay: Should college education be free for everyone in the United States

Essay Instructions:

Hello writer,

My essay should be an argument essay with a hook, thesis statement, and a conclusion. One paragraph introduction, two body paragraphs, and one conclusion. Please write with familiar words. I am an ESL 4th level student.

The titles are these two and we need to choose one. Please write which one you want.

1. Should college education be free for everyone in the United States? Why or why not?

2. Should parents monitor their children's social media accounts? Why or why not?

Thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Education in the United States – Should it be Free?
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November 20, 2020
Ever since the creation of the first educational institution in Greece back in 387 BC, people believed that the most secure ticket to success is education. This is because education is key to titles that denote attainment in the academic field, which has been honored and given more chances to succeed socially and financially in society. However, during the dawn of the industrial and digital age, it could be seen that some of the most successful people in the world do not have the best education, the best grades, or even the highest educational attainment, among others. In line with this, this analysis would like to focus on answering the question as to whether providing free college education is the best choice for the US government. All in all, the author believes that although free education is essential, it must not freely be given to everyone but rather be subjected to stringent tests that prioritize the deserving and those in the lower classes.
Free Education in the United States
One reason why free education should not be given freely to everyone is that it does not assure success. In one study conducted by the US Department of Commerce (2020), the researchers found that even though higher educational attainment means better job security and higher employment rate (i.e., 57% for less than high school; 87% for Bachelor's degree or higher). Although this suggests the importance of education, the fact remains that not all individuals who have high educational attainment could be employed or moreso succeed in life. Accordingly, it could be seen that some of the most successful...
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