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Should the Death Penalty Be Allowed?

Essay Instructions:

Two 5-8 page double spaced essays. Each is worth 40 points

Each essay will be 5-8 pages double spaced, times new roman, and can be on any of the material we’ve covered leading up to the date it is due. The first essay will be due on 10/5 by midnight, and the second essay on 11/23 by midnight.

The essays should be written in a laid back style of the sort that you might find in an op-ed for a media outlet or a blog, and should eschew jargon except when it is clearly defined. You’ll be graded on three criteria:

Clarity - Can an average reader -- say, of 8th grade education -- understand what you’re arguing? Can they see your reasons for concluding the thing(s) you do?

Enjoyability - Make it a little fun for your audience! Do you grip their attention at the beginning and maintain that hold throughout the work? Let the reader see some of your personality inflected in your words, emphases, and sentence transitions. Try to illustrate points by using examples which are entertaining.

Insight - Does your essay strike the reader with some intrigue? Will he or she see an issue in a new light? Will he take pause to consider something you’ve said which captivated his imagination? Do you make the reader question a tacit assumption he wasn’t previously aware of?

I can’t provide much more specificity for satisfying these criteria, unfortunately, as it is ultimately a matter of judgment, like a chef who knows -- from years of practice -- when a chicken is cooked just right. But you can of course disagree with my assessment of your essay on any of the criteria. We will work it out.

https://deathpenalty(dot)procon(dot)org/top-10-pro-con-arguments/ here is the opeds you should refer to

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Should the Death Penalty Be Allowed?
Institutional Affiliation
Should the Death Penalty Be Allowed?
The death penalty remains a highly controversial issue in various jurisdictions globally. Some consider it as a deserved punishment for people who do heinous or brutal crimes. However, some view it as a demeaning form of punishment even if a person commits a horrific crime. So, death penalty will continue to draw conflicting arguments because people will bring up various justifications to support their case. In recent decades, many countries have outlawed it because of its degrading nature. A global initiative has been established to promote an anti-death penalty movement to discourage the punishment. The coalition features states, unions, and NGOs that have the objective of eliminating punishing capital offenders through the death penalty (Hood & Hoyle, 2015). The death penalty should be discouraged as life imprisonment without the possibility of parole is a more sensible capital punishment. First, no conclusive evidence exists promote the notion that capital crimes can be reduced by using the death penalty. Supporters of the practice usually claim that it is effective in preventing commission of crime and enhancing public safety. They also consider life sentence as a lenient punishment for offer for those who commit heinous crimes. Yet, there is enough evidence to refute this reasoning from nations that have outlawed the practice. For example, since Canada removed the death penalty in the 1970s, it has witnessed a reduction in the murder rate. In the United States, an evaluation of the benefits of death penalty in preventing crime showed little deterrent value. A majority of executions happen in the Southern states yet they record the highest homicide rates in the nation. These examples illustrate that the punishment doesn’t deter crime as supporters claim.  Further, experts in the criminology field state that there is no scientific proof that indicates serious crimes can be prevented through the death penalty. (Hochkammer, 2017). So, this body of evidence shows that deterrence of crime shouldn’t be a primary reason to promote using death penalty in various countries.
A second argument is the death penalty is degrading and inhumane. Capital offenders have indeed committed some brutal or cold-blooded crimes where victims have been maimed or decapitated. These actions usually show a lack of conscience or morality on the part of the perpetrators. So, it’s easy to reason that the offender deserves the same inhumane treatment as an act of vengeance. However, in many of these executions like when injecting lethal substances, hanging, or shooting the convicted felons go through severe suffering before death. This practice goes against the laws stipulated under the human rights watch that advocates against inhumane and degrading treatment. The practice perpetuates violence and it doesn’t alleviate the victim’s family from pain. It’s like saying that rape is the best punishment for rapists. Justice is better served criminal endures the ignominy of being locked in prison so they can regret their horrific actions. The death penalty doesn’t give murderers the time to reform. Prisons are correctional facilities that are meant to eliminate inhumane practices from happening in the community (Philips, 2014). So, it is ironical if they become scenes for degrading and inhumane activities.
A third reason to discourage the use of death penalty is the number of innocent people executed due to failings in the court system. The deficiencies in the criminal justice system has led to wrongful convictions of death sentences. Multiple incidences have happened where conclusive evidence emerges after an innocent individual has been executed. Unfortunately, death is irreversible and a wrongful execution prematurely cuts off the life of an innocent person. Sometimes, the prosecutors face public pressure to convict a felon and this may interfere with the interpretation of crucial evidence that would have helped arrest and convict the correct offender. These error margins continue to put many innocent lives at risk for wrongful executions. It demonstrates the sensitivity because it is morally wrong to execute an innocent person. This is evident In the United States, where a review of death row convicts since 1973 shows emergence of conclusive evidence has led to the release of more than 150 inmates fro...
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