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Opioid substance abuse

Essay Instructions:
instructions 1. introduction - on topic chosen 2. factual history - of the topic 3. discussion - of topic 4. research - if any and thoughts on the topic 5. conclusion 6. sources used for paper topic: Opioid substance abuse, impact on society, the criminal justice system, communities, and families. present impact of its evolution. recommendations to resolve substance abuse.
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Opioid Substance Abuse Student’s Name Institution Course Instructor Date Opioid Substance Abuse Introduction Opioids are certain drugs that reduce pain in an individual. A medical practitioner can prescribe them to help an individual overcome severe acute pain. However, the drugs are widely abused across the United States and the world. Opioid is causing the diminishment of people's quality of life. In line with a study done by Dydyk et al. (2024, para. 1), across the world, at least 16 million people abuse the drug. This research also reveals that in the United States, at least 2.1 million individuals abuse opioid drugs. Most individuals who abuse the substance begin by taking it as a drug as the individuals do not need it for any medical purpose. However, a small percentage of opioid users start taking it as a drug prescribed by a medical practitioner. With time, the patients get treated for their illness but cannot stop taking the drug because of developing an addiction to the drug. By analyzing opioid use, the paper presents the current state of opioid abuse and then presents recommendations to help overcome the situation. History For many years before the discovery of inhalation anesthesia in 1846, opioids were the common drugs that individuals used to relieve pain (Boysen et al., 2022, p. 43). However, with the discovery of inhalation anesthesia by William Morton, individuals shifted from the use of opioids in the medical field as a pain reliever. However, medical practitioners later reintroduced opioids to use them together with the available inhalation agents to relieve individuals of pain. The 19th century also brought with it specific changes that altered the use of opioids. For example, Sertuner isolated morphine from opium. Also, it was during this century that medical practitioners introduced a new way of administering the drug using a hollow needle. When first developed, the inhalation agents were unpleasant and irritating. Hence, some patients still preferred to continue using opioids during treatment. In the 20th century, medical practitioners started applying balanced anesthesia to relieve individuals of their pain. Balanced anesthesia includes the use of different products, among them opioids. During the Second World War, the use of synthetic opioids became common since the people who were affected by pain were more. With the current developments that exist that help in relieving pain, there are alternatives to using high doses of opioids. Still, considering its addiction and the brain reward circuit among its users, individuals continue to become addicted to its use. Effects of Opioid Abuse on Drug Abusers In the United States, the extent of opioid abuse is high, such that it is a crisis. Between 2000 and 2022, at least half a million individuals died from opioid use (Congressional Budget Office, 2022, 1). Individuals who abuse the drug end up having opioid use disorder. The individuals with the disorder develop conditions that make it challenging to complete their tasks at home, school, or work. Therefore, individuals end up with a social detachment where it becomes impossible for them to undertake their responsibilities. Specific conditions, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, make opioid abuse worse among individuals. During the pandemic, more people struggled with issues of mental health, job losses, social isolation, and reduced access to treatment for the other illnesses these people had. As a result, more people abuse opioids. Opioid abusers cause harm to themselves due to the side effects that the drug has on individuals. The drug results in constipation and the reduction of saliva in an individual (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2024, p. 2). Increased constipation increases the probability of rectal bleeding and prolapse, putting opioid abusers at risk. The withdrawal effects for opioid users also affect their bodies negatively. The withdrawal symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, runny eyes, runny nose...
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