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Questions Asian American literature

Essay Instructions:
Use only the sources provided and the weblectures to answer these questions about Asian-American literature: a. What’s the most important contemporary social phenomenon in the (female) Asian-American community as discussed in the course? Word indication 250. (3p) b. How is this answer related to its original cultural context as discussed in the course? Word indication 200 words. (2p) c. Discuss why living in-between cultures (any two cultures) is a psychological phenomenon that is likely to persist in 2nd, 3rd, 4th generations, and even beyond, according to the perspective presented in the course. (15p)
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Asian-American Literature Student’s Name Institution Course Instructor Date Asian-American Literature Question A: The most important contemporary social phenomenon in the (female) Asian-American community. The most important social phenomenon in the Asian-American community is that of cultural practices and identity. Over the years, the interactions of individuals from the two communities have made the Asian culture change and become more like the American one. An example of this is in the changes in dressing among individuals. In the Asian culture, individuals prefer to wear jeans and tennis shoes, a culture that they did not initially have (Hall et al., 2011, p. 622). As much as some of these products are manufactured in Asian communities, they are made for the American markets. Hence, having Asian communities wear them shows a change in cultural practices and identity. Another proof of a change in identity is the lifestyle changes among Asian-American women. The cultural expectation for these women is that they will choose to live safe lives, marry, and care for their families (Lemontree, p. 2). However, these women choose alternative lives where they are independent and outgoing. They have shifted from the practices they are expected to undertake as Asian-American women to practices that are suitable for their contexts. Also, older generations hate Western food, but younger generations do not have much of a problem with it. Food and people's habits identify individuals' cultural practices and identity. The fact that these are changing for Asian-American individuals means that living in the West and interacting with the American culture is shifting their culture and identity. The American community has an influence on the Asians that visit America as well as those that remain in Asia, facilitated by globalization and the utilization of American products. Question B: Ways that the answer is related to its original cultural context. The answer relates to the original cultural context by showing the essence of the role of influence in bringing about change in a specific culture. The original culture that changes over time is the ...
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