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Natural Remedies: A Healthier Alternative to Menopause

Essay Instructions:



1. Use a variety of rhetorical strategies and adapt to purpose, audience, and genre.

2. Demonstrate an understanding of critical thinking processes, such as summary, analysis, synthesis, and argumentation.

3. Use all components of the writing process such as invention, drafting, revision, editing, peer feedback, and self-assessment.

4. Demonstrate appropriate conventions of writing, especially appropriate citations and quotations in writing.

5. Develop effective written communication strategies and writing skills.

6. Apply proper standards of grammar and punctuation for professional communicationsAssignment

The culminating project in this course is to write a seven-page researched persuasive essay on a healthcare topic of interest. The important thing is that you are adding to the larger conversation regarding your topic.

The final seven-page essay will follow current APA style formatting guidelines.

The final paper will include:

* APA title page (1 page)

* Abstract (1 page)

* Essay body (4 pages)

* Introductory paragraph including the thesis statement

* body paragraphs (each on one topic, with a topic sentence and supporting sentences)

* conclusion

* APA reference list (1 page)

* The essay must include a minimum of five credible sources: at least three sources must be from the LIRN library. All sources used in the paper should be cited with in-text citations and listed in the reference list according to APA standards.


Your final essay should be formatted in APA style, 7th edition, as taught throughout this course. Here are some basic guidelines:

1. Your essay should be saved as a Microsoft document (.doc or .docx). PDF or other formats will not be accepted.

2. Begin with the title page.

3. Use Times New Roman font, 12 pt., double-spaced throughout.

4. Your paper should include page numbers (upper right-hand corner).

See samples provided in this course and your APA manual for any other questions regarding formatting.

Turnitin.com and Source Use

*When you submit your assignment on Canvas, it will be automatically submitted to Turnitin.com. Turnitin.comis a plagiarism checker that is used to ensure that the student is submitting original work. It is the responsibility of the student to submit the assignment prior to the due date to ensure that all source use is cited and quoted properly. Assignments may be re-submitted as many times as needed, before the due date.

Hey thank you so much for writing my essay got a 97/100. Here are the professor's notes. if that would help.

thank you


the paper provides an informative review of why natural remedies could be a good alternative for women going through menopause. The paragraphs effectively focus on one main point and develop it with evidence. There is a need to strengthen the argumentative nature of the paper by persuading the target audience to take action because of the benefits of these remedies.

For example, if the target audience are women in menopause, are you urging them to ask their providers for alternative options? If the target audience is healthcare providers, do you have evidence they don't offer these remedies enough and are you persuading them to offer them more to their patients?

What might be a hook that is not a statement of fact that could grab the reader's attention?

how might you revise the thesis statement so that the phrase "this essay explores" can be removed?

how might you state instead what you learned in exploring alternative options for treating menopause and what you're persuading the target audience to do with this information?

you learned in expioring alternative options for treating menopause and what you're persuading the target audience to do with this information?

Then make sure each topic sentence provides an arguable claim that supports this persuasive thesis statement and is supported by the good evidence you have in the paragraphs.

Include a citable opposing point of provides an arguable claim that supports this persuasive thesis statement and is supported by the good evidence you have in the paragraphs.

Include a citable opposing point of view and counter it. This will make the paper argumentative as required instead of just informative

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Natural Remedies: A Healthier Alternative to Menopause
Course Code and Title
Menopause is a challenging health occurrence and several women undergoing menopause try to handle the symptoms. There are several remedies that have been developed. However, natural remedies have proven to be highly and more effective compared to other treatments. As a matter of fact, the natural remedies, unlike remedies such as HRT, do not pose any side effects. The natural remedies offer additional health benefits to women undergoing menopause. Although the remedies may require more financial input compared to other remedies, having an effective financial plan helps in managing the cost obligations.
Natural Remedies: A Healthier Alternative to Menopause
Menopause is a natural occurrence that happens when females experience a significant change in their menstrual cycle. One diagnostic criterion for menopause is when a woman goes for twelve months without having their menstrual period. Despite it being a natural process, it brings forth several symptoms that include sleep disturbances, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and depression (Santoro et al., 2021). The symptoms have prompted healthcare and nursing professionals to find a number of remedies that will help in offering relief to the symptoms. The popular remedy has been hormone replacement therapy (HRT), but it has devastating side effects such as an increased risk of endometrial cancer, blood clots and stroke, and gallbladder issues (Langer et al., 2021). Alternatively, natural remedies such as proper dieting have better results in relieving menopause symptoms and do not create any devastating side effects (De Franciscis et al., 2020). Women in menopause need to ensure that they use natural remedies as a healthier alternative to manage menopause symptoms since natural remedies offer alternative benefits to the body, create an effective lifestyle change, and enhance proper body relaxation. Therefore, adopting natural remedies to menopause is a healthier alternative that women in menopause can urge their healthcare and nursing providers to offer them to ensure they experience the positive benefits that natural remedies offer.
Natural Remedies as a Healthier Menopause Alternative
Alternative Benefits to the Body
Natural remedies are a healthier alternative to menopause since they offer additional benefits to the human age given that women in menopause are slowly entering their golden years. A major alternative benefit of natural remedies in menopause that women in menopause should embrace is prevention of diseases and reduction of diseases risk factors. Menopause cause women to experience weakness in bones, which is a major risk factor of osteoporosis (Liu et al., 2020). Using natural remedies such as consuming foods rich in calcium and vitamin D helps in ensuring that menopause does not cause weakness in bones. Consumption of Vitamin D and calcium among women in menopause helps in ensuring that the women remain physically active since the risk of frequent fractures will be prevented (Liu et al., 2020). Natural remedies in menopause also help in facilitating reduction of diabetes and heart diseases risk factors at old age since the women will consume less foods that are sugary, alcoholic and caffeine rich drinks. Diabetes is a lifestyle disease that has age as one of its risk factors. However, avoiding foods that trigger diabetes during menopause helps the women at menopause prevent contracting diabetes (Paschou et al., 2019). Avoiding fatty foods is an effective natural remedy in menopause, that helps in reducing the risk of contracting heart diseases (Zhu et al., 2019). Therefore, prevention of diseases and diseases risk factors reduction are effective additional benefits of using natural remedies in menopause illustrating how healthier natural remedies are among women in menopause.
Natural remedies to menopause creates an effective environment to explore and learn about new foods. Women in menopause get to benefit from not only the health benefits of new foods but also experience a thrilling experience when learning about new foods. For instance, an effective natural remedy to menopause is consuming foods that are rich in phytoestrogens such as soybeans, flaxseeds, sesame seeds and tofu (Gorzkiewicz et al., 2021). The adventurous experience in learning and tasting new foods creates a psychological benefit in that women in menopause will reduce chances of experiencing depression. Phytoestrogen rich foods offer health benefits such as reducing cholesterol levels and blood pressure, which are effective health approaches to prevent heart diseases (Gorzkiewicz et al., 2021). Therefore, the thrilling experience in learning new foods in natural remedies to menopause is a healthier alternative that women in menopause can benefit from compared to undergoing HRT that only modifies estrogen levels in women’s bodies.
Creates a Healthy Lifestyle
Adopting natural remedies as an effective alternative to menopause helps in creating a healthy lifestyle among women with menopause. Natural remedies mostly ensure that the women not only engage in healthy feeding but also engage in exercises. The nutritious foods that are recommended in the natural remedies help in ensuring that lifestyle diseases are avoided. More so, an effective natural remedy for menopause is ensuring that the women maintain moderate weight. A common physical occurrence in menopause is gaining weight. Ensuring that the women maintain moderate weight means that the women have to check on their diet as well as exercise regularly (Kalmbach et al., 2019). Maintaining moderate weight for women in menopause does not only ensure that they have relief from menopause symptoms but they also engage in a much healthier lifestyle that involves checking their diet. In line with losing weight, common foods that women in menopause are required to consume are fruits and vegetables, which complement the healthy diet that the women have adopted in other natural remedies. Exercising regularly is a healthy lifestyle that has a wide range of health benefits. It helps in improving physical and mental health, indicating that depression among women in menopause will be effectively handled. Exercising regularly also helps in improving body metabolism and ensures that the women sleep better. The aspect of adopting a healthy lifestyle is also illustrated by the fact that natural remedies ensure that the women in menopause take natural supplements (Kalmbach et al., 2019). In the healthcare industry, there are medicinal supplements that are provided especially to women in menopause. However, ensuring that natural supplements are taken helps in ensuring that an effective balanced diet is developed using natural resources. Therefore, women in menopause should adopt and convince their care providers to offer them natural remedies as a healthier solution to menopause since it helps in creating a healthier lifestyle.
Enhances Proper Body Relaxation
Natural remedies are a healthier alternative in menopause since they help in ensuring that women adopt body relaxation. Women in menopause are pron...
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