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Rhetorical Analysis of an Article to Evaluate the Significance of Literary Narrative

Essay Instructions:

Every text contains an argument. Whether authors are writing an academic essay, tourist or non-profit webpage, newspaper editorial, blog, song, movie or restaurant review, or commercial, they want readers and viewers to think, feel, or behave a certain way or to take a certain course of action.

Understanding how public texts make arguments is important to reading, writing with credible sources, critical thinking, and analysis at the university level. Developing awareness of how other peoples’ texts attempt to persuade you enables you to develop critical literacy while learning strategies for writing persuasively yourself.

Your first goal in this assessment is to locate a public text that is loosely and/or broadly relevant to your literacy narrative. You could think also of the overall course theme that links literacy, language, culture, and identity. Ideally, the focus comes specifically from your literacy narrative.

To begin, think again about the exigence (the annoyance, unresolved issue, unanswered question, or injustice) to which you were responding in your literacy narrative. As Bitzer puts it, the exigence is the occasion or the circumstances that call for a response. Assessment 3 will be your academic response to the set of issues, but Assessment 2 merely analyses someone else’s response to the same or a related issue. They are very different assignments.

The exigence will lead you to choose a public text for rhetorical analysis in Assessment 2.

Be sure to discuss your ideas with your Tutor, especially if you are having difficulties. Choose a text that takes a stand on an issue.

Since the assessments in COMM570 are scaffolded and interconnected, because academic writing involves the development of complex ideas over time, you must use this public text as a source (minor or major) for Assessment 3: Source-Based Essay, so choose wisely. Attend the weekly tutorial so that you can discuss your options with your Tutor, especially if you having difficulty coming to a decision. If for some reason you cannot attend the tutorial that week, email your Tutor to discuss your ideas.

Your next goals are to read the public text attentively and complete the Worksheet for Assessment 2 so that you thoroughly understand the text and write a rhetorical essay analysing how the author(s) use rhetorical strategies to make the argument. To help you write this essay, we will study rhetorical concepts such as audience, purpose, genre and appeals (logical, emotional, and ethical). We will also study the pattern of claim, example and warrant used to analyse arguments.

An outstanding analysis of this kind will provide an accurate close rhetorical reading of the public text, one that establishes the relationship between the details and general conclusions of the text. It will succinctly introduce the article and author's point of view and lead the reader through the rest of the essay in a logical coherent manner, considering the audience, purpose, genre, kinds of rhetorical appeals, and pattern of claims. It will arrive at a thesis that previous paragraphs support with thorough argument and cogent proofs in the form of appropriate quotes from the primary source. There will be no repetition of ideas and language, and the writing will be free of mechanical grammatical errors.

Course Learning Outcome Assessed

Analyse and evaluate oral and written communication rhetorically in terms of situation, audience, purpose, aesthetics, and diverse points of view.

Use well-defined rhetorical principles to present their ideas with intellectual rigour and stylistic force.

Express a primary purpose in a compelling statement and order supporting points logically and convincingly.

Undertake careful analysis and integrate evidence correctly and ethically to produce substantive written source-based argument.


Formatting your essay:

Include a Title Page.

Include page numbers, and your name in the top right corner (in the Header).

Use 12-point font (Times New Roman or Calibri) with 2.0 spacing.

Indent the first line of each new paragraph and delete any extra spacing between paragraphs.

In-text citations should follow APA 7th style. Include a List of References containing ONLY the public text analysed and cited in the assessment.

Suggested Procedures 

Students must attend the tutorials to receive full instructions on the Rhetorical Analysis essay and to work on drafting the essay, to participate in peer review , and receive feedback from the Tutor. Portfolio marks are awarded for the completion of these tasks in the tutorials.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Rhetorical Analysis of an Article to Evaluate the Significance of Literary Narrative
Author’s Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
The article “Dear Diary: Keeping track - and on top - of modern life" is a comprehensive account of the benefits of diary keeping in organizing one's thoughts and life activities and maximizing one's writing and literary talent. The theme of this online public text coincides with my literary narrative, as this literary narrative is all about using my diary skills to enrich my imagination and ability to persuade and inspire others to adopt writing to express their potential. This article is all about novel experiences in diary writing, which facilitated people in overcoming their various problems in life. My narrative has taught me how to perceive, understand, and respect multiple opinions. This article further explores this concept by sharing various diary-keeping techniques to improve life skills. Hence, the following discussion aims to undertake a rhetorical analysis of the given article in light of my literary narrative to find useful insight related to my passion for using writing to enlighten others.
Rhetorical Analysis of the Article
One of this article's most striking and relevant features is that it uses various examples from New Zealand and other countries to help readers understand the significance of diary-keeping and writing in different social contexts. To substantiate his argument about the diary's significance in organizing life, the author quotes the example of famous American author and designer Ryder Carroll. Despite having ADHD, he used his diary to organize his life (Klein-Nixon, 2020). ADHD patients suffer from disorganized thoughts and lack of concentration (NIH, 2018). This example manifests my point of view about the significance of writing and diary keeping, as it helped me a lot in becoming an enlightened and imaginative person.
The author of this article also mentions a revolutionary means to make life organized and disciplined; Carroll pioneered this website called BulletJoural.com. This website provides a system to people for managing their thoughts and time (Klein-Nixon, 2020). This example significantly substantiates the author's argument; in this way, this article verifies my narrative about reading and writing, and diary keeping. This article also exemplifies how a person's writing endeavor gradually evolves, leading to further success; writing and reading are well-known concepts scholars endorse as a means of intellectual development (Anonymous, 2023). For this purpose, he describes how Carroll built up his writing career and published a book titled The Bullet Journal Method; this example is linked with my literary narrative as I adopted writing as a profession after diary writing.
An interesting and valuable aspect of this article is that it provides colored illustrations of the diaries people have created to reflect their creativity and innovation, which people may add to the diary-keeping practice (Klein-Nixon, 2020). This article promotes analog revival, and for this purpose, it provides effective training tips so that people can improve their writing and overcome their mental blocks. Writing mental blocks can discourage a person from writing a diary, making his enlightenment and intellectual development difficult (Sabine, n.d.). However, this article discusses the first-hand experience of people who overcame this mental block and found new avenues of success; in this way, this article encourages people with learning and professional issues on how to use diary keeping and writing to succeed.
In the typical context of New Zealand, the author highlights how in the current age of digital technology, Kiwis are findings ways to engage in manual writing to develop their intellectual and professional skills (Klein-Nixon, 2020). Interestingly, scientific research in human psychology also verifies that manual writing is a way to develop professional skills and intellect. Moreover, writing with hands helps a person overcome psychological distress and strengthens memory (Epica, 2019). These benefits of handwriting further reinforce my claim about the usefulness of reading, writing, and diary-keeping; thus, ...
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