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Refugees Suffering in the Outcasts United Book

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The professor requires the text to be between three and four pages, so a few lines more than three pages is fine, but try to be a manageable number. Moreover, we have completed many writing exercises in the professor's class, so we must not use very complicated and high-end words. The ability is biased towards students as much as possible; this does not require a high level express your views as much as possible. The last page must have a reference, and the format is optional. This paper is not a summary but an analysis paper of an open-mind type. Express your views by citing the content of the website in the book and the information. Choose a topic which easy to give examples in the reality. No double enter between paragraphs. Intro--body--Conclusion. This paper does not need such good writing techniques and vocabulary; I will send you some of the paragraphs I have written; please follow the level of the content I have written is roughly similar as of 23:00 EST on the 13th. The professor knows I am an economics student, so this content's general direction is that the economic environment difference affects the conflict between people and cultures. You can decide for yourself.

In the end, this paper is critical to me. Please write according to my level and strictly abide by academic integrity; thank you.

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Refugees Suffering in the Outcasts United Book
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Refugees Suffering in the Outcasts United Book
America is usually viewed as one of the safest countries in the world. This reason has made America to experience an increase in refugees. Even though the refugees would find a safe place in America, most also experience some challenges. Even though some people have been ignoring this aspect, various authors have explained the hardship they experience. The book Outcasts United by Warren St. John explains the different hardships the refugees experience through the stories of Paula Balegamire, Beatrice Ziaty, and their families. These experiences are opening the perspective regarding Atlanta, global politics, and the people in general.
Outcasts United explains how the refugees’ suffering was because they were having economic burdens, where they had debt for the plane ride when they were moving from their country of origin. Despite this debt, these refugees only received three months of financial support after landing in the U.S. (Laudani, 2023). This approach forced most of them to look for various ways to support themselves financially. Nevertheless, these individuals were suffering to secure employment since there were various instances where they suffered from racial discrimination. This made them continue having financial struggles.
Warren also explained how members of the Fugees suffered from a mix of diverse nationalities. For example, the refugees came from Liberia, Afghanistan, Burundi, Congo, Sudan, and other countries. Therefore, these people had diverse cultures, languages, health beliefs, and health literacy levels (Feinberg et al., 2023). One of the initial feelings that these refugees had was that they felt like they were not fitting into where they were living. Moreover, they were also experiencing the hardship of remaining true to their roots and ethnic identity and assimilating the customs and norms of the native people.
Outcasts United is also explaining how different backgrounds affect refugees. Since these refugees came from different backgrounds, they needed to find a middle ground to boost their understanding. St. John is showing how the sport can have a huge impact on bringing unity. For example, these individuals used soccer as a middle ground to unite them despite coming from diverse backgrounds. For example, most of the younger refugees found a basis to build a community due to their shared love for soccer. For instance, despite being in refugee camps, these young individuals created makeshift soccer balls using plastic bags and wire. The main reason for using this strategy was that it was cheaper since they did not require any expensive equipment or footwear, which American players were accustomed to since they could not afford. Despite using the cheaper process, the game of soccer helped these younger refugees bond despite having less in common and their difficulties.
This book is also outstanding since it explains the opposition that the refugees were ...
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