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Employee Discipline in Mayo Clinic. Literature & Language Essay.

Essay Instructions:

APA (Artifact):

Project Overview:

1. A 6 page (including title page or reference page) APA formatted paper. The paper must include a minimum of three references (Peer Reviewed Articles) and 2 in-text citations per page. Minimum of 2 graphs, bars or plots that you created showing projected 3 year growth (data is made up by you "not real") by utilizing your proposed changes to the structure and design.

2. Final Paper Outline:

Page 1-(Title Page)

Pages 2/3- 2 in-text citation in each page (Choose an nonprofit organization/business and utilize the topics from this course to build your paper. Choose some content from the competencies covered so far and explain how you would use it in your company? What would be the positive and negative aspects of the topics/content you chose...?) It must include reference to Henri Fayol's 14 Principles of management from Competency 1.

Pages 3/4- 2 in text citation in each page (Plan of Action: Create a plan using your proposed organizational management structure and design changes. What would these changes accomplished and how you will go about achieving that goal. Use terms/vocabulary/content from this course to create this plan.) Minimum of 2 graphs, bars or plots that you created showing projected 3 year growth (data is made up by you "not real") by utilizing your proposed changes to the structure and design.

Last page (Reference page): The paper must include a minimum of three references (Peer Reviewed Articles). Websites can be additional but not part of the required references.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Employee Discipline in Mayo Clinic
 Employee Discipline in Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic is a non-profit organization committed to clinical practice, research and education, offering expert holistic care to all individuals requiring healthcare services. Through these approaches, the organization's primary mission is to enhance healthcare and become a global authority in providing care to acute and complex disorders. In this organization, the goals of patient or customers needs are always the main priority. Some of the core values guiding the organization include respect, integrity, compassion, healing, teamwork, innovation, excellence, and stewardship.
These are essential aspects that can be achieved if there is employee discipline within the organization. There is a need to ensure that employees maintain discipline in order to attain these values and ensure that the results are optimum. In any successful organization, there is a need to uphold discipline to attain positive business outcomes. In this case, discipline entails sincerity, respect to authority, obedience, and observing a particular enterprise's rules and regulations (Bacud, 2020). Therefore, for Mayo Clinic to attain the organizational goals and missions, it is important for subordinates to respects the superiors and obeys the orders. It ensures that there is a smooth running of the enterprise, and patient satisfaction will be enhanced. Discipline is also important for managers because they are senior employees of the organization (An Introduction to the Principles of Management, n.d.).
There are both positive and negative aspects associated with the discipline. First, discipline can be a means of enhancing employee comprehension of issues and rehabilitation. This can be a means to motivate the works to adopt positive attitudes and behaviors within the organization. On the other hand, employee discipline may never be appropriate in all situations. There are cases that require other approaches, such as suspension or firing, instead of simply encouraging the workers to adopt a certain behavior within the organization (Mack, n.d.).
Organizational Plan of Action to Instill Employee Discipline
The main aim of the action plan is to instill employee discipline across the organization. The various actions will be managed by the human resource department, departmental supervisors, team leaders, executive managers, and board members. This will ensure that there is accountability at each level of the organization to safeguard the organization’s interests and address any issues arising with harming the discipline levels across the organization. In the corporate aspect of Mayo Clinic, these actions are necessary for ensuring that there is consistency and individuals are able to adopt the core values guiding the organization. Moreover, the actions are the basis for establishing a consistent corporate culture for enhancing customer satisfaction and prioritizing the objectives of the organization. There are several steps to instilling employee discipline that is outlined below. In order to attain the desired discipline among workers, there is a need to have a disciplined process to address the performance and behavioral issues. These steps will be used to discipline the workers and is an effective process for enhancing positive behaviors among workers.
The primary goal is instilling employee discipline with Mayo Clinic.
Action Description Description Manager/Supervisor Roles Employee Roles
Communication Standard At this level, the managers, board, supervisors, and team leaders are expected to develop a proper communication approach across the organization. This will define how mistakes or cases of indiscipline are reported across the instituti...
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