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Long Lasting and Effective Solutions to Global Youth Unemployment

Essay Instructions:

Major Essay 4: Argumentative Essay on Problem/Solution

(1100–1500 words not counting References page)

Please use APA Style

Total Point Value: 200 points

The ability to conduct research and make an argument based on your research result is essential not only for your college education but also in your professional work. Through this project, we will learn important topics such as development of good research question, use of research information, citation and reference formatting, development and support of arguments and evidence, and oral presentation skills.

Description: Using the sources you gathered in your Problem Essay (Essay 3), write an essay that argues in favor of one or a set of solutions to the problem that you are researching. Use the Problem Essay that you wrote as the basis for your introductory section.

While your research focus and research question might change slightly as you do more research, you may not change your topic once you have turned in the Annotated Bibliography and Topic Proposal. Choose a topic that is interesting, researchable, and somewhat controversial.

OPTIONAL - You may choose a different topic from your Essay 3 topic, as long as it is interesting, researchable, and controversial.




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Youth Employment (Solutions)
[Name of the Student]
[Name of the Institution]
[Date of Submission]
Youth Employment (Solutions)
Bedurftig et al. (2015) note that "structural unemployment is anticipating a large number of young fellows and ladies from picking up a toehold in the realm of work." While this may not be an issue in certain quarters, it is a noteworthy issue for the youth as well as governments that requires to be resolved. The youth see their fantasies winding up further and further far-fetched while governments see customer spending decline which adversely impacts the economy. It can be argued well that the global issue of youth unemployment can be resolved by considering actions for sustainable youth development, including (institutions, insurance, investment, and innovations) or considering vocational education for minimization of the skills mismatch between the requirement of the labor force and graduates or employment and educational programs, or funding research or encouraging entrepreneurship that eventually can result into more job creations for tackling the issue of youth unemployment.
Youth Employment (Solutions)
Since the factors that drive youth unemployment differentiate between countries, therefore, the right solution must be implemented by each country in tacking the issue successfully. For some, it may include considering vocational education for minimization of the skills mismatch between the requirements of the labor force and the graduates. According to Alhasan & Tyabo (2013), vocational education has been provided as the core of the curriculum by different countries like the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, and Germany and they had been successful in maintaining rates of low youth unemployment. For example, a low rate of youth unemployment has been enjoyed by Germany through global standards including the part-time education and on-the-job training.
Where the actions for sustainable youth development as highlighted above, including institutions, insurance, investment, and innovations can also combat the issue of youth unemployment. As Vogel (2015) highlighted that the innovations can involve new growth sectors underpinned by innovation and technology and real economic innovation. Whereas, the investment can involve re-employment training and remedial employment, entrepreneurial education and skills development, psycho-social enhancements (soft skills), or training and education (curriculum relevance). The insurance can involve systematic social protection and institutions can involve better balance between political expediency and efficiency or integrated and holistic support for youth empowerment.
A society with low unemployment for young people can cause the economy to depress. if the youth are failed to take care of can actually put the country in the risk of bad consequences. Therefore, along with employment programs and education programs, commitment must be made to funding research to tackle the issue of youth unemployment aside from reforming education. However, the funding for education needs in order to finance these programs must increase to three trillion dollars at least by 2030. Huge-scale cooperation is requires in accomplishing this objective, as in education the amount of investment is currently at 1.2 trillion dollars. This means that partnerships must be created by schools, non-government organizations, governments, and companies to invest in solutions and research to youth unemployment.
Youth unemployment also comes with a myriad of problems. On most occasions, these problems center on how countries are economically impacted and only a few consider the mental effect this problem has on the youth at large. It is true that countries endure tough times economically when a majority of their youth are unemployed. However, there are other issues as well the main one being the mental effects youth unemployment has on the youth. Therefore, proper research work must be performed as the information will be quite advantages to the youths through generation of employment. It will also calls for success and self-discovery in life...
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