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Response Writing 4: How Do Ghost In The Shell, Innocence

Essay Instructions:

Response Writing #4

How do Ghost in the Shell, Innocence, and Millennium Actress interrogate human being/being human?

There is so much that could go so many ways in analyzing even just small parts of these films by themselves or collectively, that I think it best not to limit your responses with strict parameters. Plus, this is your last Response Writing, so why not simply cut you loose?

You’ve gotten a taste of some approaches to these films in chapters 2 and 4 of Bolton’s book. I think his bringing in classical Japanese puppet theater to interpret Ghost in the Shell and Innocence and stage(d) performance to interpret Millennium Actress is fruitful and interesting. But by no means has he exhausted interpretations of these films. He’s left plenty for you, even if you draw on his insights.

So, here’s what you’re tasked with for your last Response Writing: choose two of these three films (or all three if you’d like) and fashion an interpretation of them under the general theme of “human being/being human.” Please don’t all of you choose the two Ghost in the Shell films (there are interesting and creative comparisons to be had with one of those films and Millennium Actress too!).

Remember, arguments that build ideas and interpretative claims from concrete examples from the films work best. Cite scenes with time marks and readings with simple in-text parenthetical references, like “in Millennium Actress (1:23:45)” and “(Bolton, 88)”. Most importantly, dazzle me with your brilliance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

ASIA 2512: Explorations of Japanese Animation
How do Ghost in the Shell, Innocence, and Millennium Actress interrogate human being/being human?

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