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The Characteristics Of Food In Different Regions Of China

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Informative essay, two clear detailed argument and point of view.

Elaborate Chinese foods and the speciality of each location.

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The Characteristics of Food in Different Regions of China
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The Characteristics of Food in Different Regions of China
Different types of foods provide various nutrients to humans; the characteristics of food differ with regions and also the culture of the people. The culture of food is preserved by passing it on from one generation to another. Most of the towns and cities practice the variety of cuisines found in China. The diverse type of cuisines are significantly affected by the division of the country into eight regions; hence each has its type of cuisine.
China is divided into many regions; therefore there different types of foods rather cuisines. Due to the difference in terrains, the cuisines tend to differ in terms of ingredients used and the method used to prepare. People living in these different regions identify themselves with cuisines originating from their diverse cultures. There are various types of cuisines, for example, Shandgong cuisine and the Jiangsu cuisine.
Shangdong is one of the significant regions well known for its cuisine which originates from China’s native cooking. The cuisine (Lu Cuisine) is majorly made of Jiaodong dishes, Jinan dishes and Shangdong dishes which are made delicious by adding flavors and seasonings like shallot and garlic. It is characterized of crispness, tenderness, and aroma. The cuisines are influenced by seafood as it’s located near the sea especially the Jiadong region.
Ingredients used in making the cuisines are vegetables like cabbage, mushroom, tomatoes, eggplant and garlic, shallot and onions, vinegar, potatoes, corns, grains like millet, oat, and barley, peanuts which are taken as a snack. There are seafood ingredients like prawns, sea cucumber, clams, and squid.  For example, shallow is used to cook the sea cucumber to remove its fishy smell.
The cooking methods include braising, sautéing, deep frying, quick frying and stir-frying and grilling. Foods are deep fried in hot oil after which the oil is poured and seasonings added to the food. There’s the Pa technique where the cooked ingredients are cut into particular shapes, then fried till golden after adding some powder, finally, its s...
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