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LinX Computation

Essay Instructions:

Select an article from current news reports (current is defined as having come to print during the course of the current quarter). Write a 1,000 to 1,500 word, double-spaced paper responding to the following prompt.

 Evaluate the article as if you are an investor or creditor of the company: how do you think the information you have read be disclosed in the financial statements, what is your opinion of the company’s situation, what about the situation is of concern to you, and what ethical responsibilities does the company have to the public?

A minimal amount of restatement of the article is necessary, but this should not exceed 250 words. While an abstract is not expected, your paper should follow the standard format of stating a thesis, providing support for that thesis and drawing a conclusion from the support.

Your completed assignment will be worth up to 5 points and will be graded using the based on the content, editing, and organization. The assignment must be completed and submitted to turnitin.com.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Over the course of the growth of the company, Apple Inc. has acquired quite a number of companies. This is a common trend among the technology industries where smaller startups with excellent ideas are absorbed into the thriving ones in the industry. In light of this trend in the industry, investors have become accustomed to the acquisitions that take place in the corporate sector, which are a way of showing that the company is growing and is looking to make the best out of the growing technologies in the industry. This way the companies can stay ahead of the competition and remain relevant in the industry, offering cutting edge technologies to the consumers, while ensuring that the investors get the best value for their investments in the company. In the recent past, Apple announced that they had acquired an Israeli based company LinX Computation Imaging Ltd. This is a company has been developing some cutting edge imaging hardware that would extend the camera imaging capabilities of the current line of Apple smartphones and tablets.
Thesis statement: The amount of information offered in the news article is not enough to inform an investment decision.
LinX Computation Imaging Ltd
LinX Computation Imaging Ltd is company founded in the year 2011, by Ziv Attar and Tovchigrechko. The former has been working as a senior optics specialist with a defense company in Israel called Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd, while the latter had been working as a team leader in algorithm development at SamsungElectronics Co. according to the article, the camera modules developed by the company had the ability to optimize imaging at low light and indoors without massively relying on bulk hardware. Using single-lens-reflextechnology, the company emphasized the abilities of the camera, n background removal and 3-D modeling as well as face recognition. The company was acquired by apple at an estimated $20 million dollars(Hirschauge& Wakabayashi, 2015).
When investing in an upcoming technology, investors need more than information on the developmental aspect of the technology. In the article the author mentions that fact that the technology from the acquired company is superior in that it is going to advance the abilities of the cameras on the smartphones in low light, which includes indoors. For investors, this means that the technology has a lot of potential and is worth investing. Apple has in the past made some of the most crucial steps towards reinventing its approach to technology. It is crucial in the industry where competition means that one has to have something fresh for the consumers. Technology rate of obsolesce is also quite high which forces the management teams to think as fast as the rate at which advanced technology becomes old and inapplicable in a matter of months. For investors Apple has proven to be a worthy company to invest in as they have something new to the market in rather very consistent manner. The customers are also quite loyal which means that there will always be a constant flow of clients that need the products the company is making. This is good news to the investors a...
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