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Educational Tool

Essay Instructions:

I will create a power point I am just requesting the information. I would like one page to be the educational tool and one page to be the evaluation tool. I would like them set up as an appendix to this paper you written. I need 3 appendix and you had given me one the assessment tool.

1. Students Must: (a) Develop an educational tool and (b) develop an evaluation tool to include as an Appendix (i.e., pamphlet, handout, poster, PowerPoint® etc) and an assessment tool (i.e., questionnaire, survey, pre-/post tests…etc) that will be used to assess knowledge of participants at baseline and/or after intervention. You are not expected to use all tools listed here or in the Syllabus…you must select the tool(s) that best fits your proposal’s need. One of each (educational and evaluation) should be sufficient.

2. Again, *ALL* tools must be your original work (not permitted to use an existing/published tool).

3. One educational tool is required but if more is discussed, must also prepare to submit them.

4.. One evaluation tool is required but if more is discussed, you must be prepared to submit them.

5.. Discuss the procedure you will use to assess each of your tools for its reliability/validity. How will you do this?

6. When discussing your tools in paper, be sure to refer the reader to see the tool by writing (see Appendix B or see Appendix B in parentheses) following the mention of the tool. See Proposal Exemplar for an illustration; otherwise, the reader will not know the tool exists. Appendices (tools) are not due until Week 4; however, if ready, may be submitted this week. 

8. Please submit your Implementation Plan (and tools) to Turnitin (TII). Please follow the posted message related to submitting to TII should your score be > 20%.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course title:
The respondents would be educated about compassion fatigue and nurse burnout and how nurses are affected by this problem. They would also be enlightened about the proposed solution, the project (see Appendix A). A questionnaire (see Appendix B) is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed solution. The questionnaire contains a total of 6 structured, closed-ended questions which the respondents can answer in about 13 minutes. Closed-ended questions are used since it is easy to analyze the data obtained from quantitative questionnaire.
Appendix A: Educational tool

Appendix B: Evaluation tool

Wentzel, D., & Brysiewicz, P. (2014). The Consequence of Caring Too Much: Compassion Fatigue and the Trauma Nurse. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 40(1), 95-97.
Yoder, E. A. (2010). Compassion fatigue in nurses. [Journal].Applied Nursing Research, 23(4), 191-197.

Running Head: TOOLS 1
This educational tool is designed to educate you about compassion fatigue and how the proposed solution is intended to serve as an intervention
What is compassion fatigue and burnout?
Compassion fatigue is one of the elements that regularly affect nurses primarily because they witness the suffering that patients go through. The pressure to improve performance and patient satisfaction puts a strain on nurses and they are more likely to suffer compassion fatigue and burnout. Wentzel and Brysiewicz (2014) reported that the work environment may influence the onset of fatigue compassion and trauma.
How are nurses affected by compassion fatigue and burnout?
Although nurses typically show empathy and compassion towards their patients, burnout and...
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