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Professional Socialization

Essay Instructions:

The paper consists of five (5) parts and must be submitted by the close of week six.

•Part I: Define professional socialization. Using the criteria for a profession described in the assigned readings, discuss three (3) criteria of the nursing profession which support professional socialization. 

•Part II: Refer to the Four Stages of Role Transition listed at the end of the Module Notes for this module. Read and summarize each stage. Then, identify the one stage which you are currently experiencing and support your decision. 

•Part III: Identify two barriers which may interfere with accomplishing Claywell’s FOURTH stage of role transition. For each barrier, describe two (2) resources to overcome each one. (total of 4 resources). 

•Part IV: Claywell (2009) discusses 8 areas of differences between the LPN and RN roles: Assessment skills, Patient teaching skills; Communication skills; Educational preparation; Intravenous Therapy; Legal responsibilities; Nursing care planning; Thinking skills. Choose three (3) differences and provide supporting evidence how the differences you selected are implemented AND why they are such an integral part of the RN role. 

•Part V: Conclusion. Describe your plan for socialization into the role of the professional nurse.

Nurses are frequently faced with making ethical decisions. As the nurse prepares to deal with ethical issues it is important for him/her to be able to use an ethical decision making process that is in keeping with the individuals own value system. The steps of making an ethical decision are similar to the steps of the nursing process.

Ethics is the study of values. Values are defined as standards which guide our conduct and decision making. Values are derived from societal norms, family and religious orientation. Two other factors that influence professional decision making are professional codes of ethics such as the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics and patient rights. The American Hospital Association has replaced their Patient Bill of Rights with The Patient Care Partnership, which describes what patients can expect during their hospitalization.

Ethical decision making frequently involves a combination of values, ethics and rights. Generally as individuals we do not think about our values, we accept them. It is only when we have to choose between our values do we give them thought. The process of becoming more aware of our values is called values clarification. Ethical decision making is influenced as the individual gains a stronger understanding of his/her values.

Identify Ethical Problem

Assess the situation; obtain a clear perception of what the ethical dilemma is; who needs to be involved in the decision; what are the values of the individuals involved; what ethical principles might be involved

Gather Data

Diagnose the situation by getting as much information about the situation as possible; get other viewpoints; who is involved; identify your relationship to the situation; identify the options as most ethical dilemmas have several possible solutions.

Evaluate Options

Make a Plan; consider all the options/solutions identified; for each option consider its impact on others; consider ethical theories and how they may apply to the situation; consider professional codes of ethics and patient bill of rights.

Choose Action/Make Decision

Decide on option and Implement the course of action; work collaboratively with others.

Assess Outcome(s)

Evaluate the outcome(s); assess the process on an on-going bases; support the individuals involved in the decision; consider how what you have learned might be applied to another situation if it should occur.

Lora Claywell (2009) LPN to RN Transitions (2nd ed.) St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.)

Your pathway to professional socialization will take you through a process of movement through four stages before role transition occurs. As a student in a bridge program for practical nurses, you can expect to experience each stage to some extent. Depending on your personality and beliefs about nursing education, you may move through some stages faster than others.

Stage One

Stage one begins when a practical nurse enters an LPN/LVN to RN completion program or perhaps from the moment consideration is given to making application to the program. At this point, a variety of emotions are experienced, ranging from the excitement of a new challenge to the fear of failure. Along with the anxiety associated with a task of this nature, many students also begin the program with a certain amount of skepticism as to whether there really is much more to learn about being a nurse. Some have practiced for years, and are very confident about their abilities as nurses. Frequently, the more seasoned LPN/LVNs enter the program with a “show me” attitude, challenging the idea that there is truly more to be learned about nursing. 

Stage Two

Early in an LPN/LVN to RN completion program, students usually begin to experience feelings of dissonance related to their abilities as nurses. Students enter stage two as more difficult material is presented, requiring them to look at nursing and nursing education in a manner with which they are unfamiliar. For example, many practical nurses in an RN program find they are not capable of achieving grades that are as high as those they received in their practical nursing program. As a result, they may feel they cannot succeed at that level, and become very anxious and frustrated. During clinical rotations many of the students tend to want to provide LPN/LVN level care to patients, and feel inadequate when challenged to analyze laboratory findings and explain disease processes in more depth than previously. Self-doubt and insecurity are typical emotions at this point in the process of professional socialization.

Stage Three

Stage three begins with a “letting go” of the practical nurse way of thinking and a dawning acceptance of thinking patterns and behaviors of the registered nurse. This requires that students develop insight into personal learning needs, and display a willingness to adopt new nursing knowledge and skills. As this acceptance of a new role takes place, students may begin to enjoy learning new information. Frequently, students become less frustrated and less anxious about their abilities to achieve their goal at this point, and appear to be more relaxed about the program of learning.

Stage Four

Finally, stage four occurs when the student completely adopts the attitudes and behaviors of the registered nurse. As a student, the practical nurse will be continuing to practice previous nursing behaviors and ways of thinking, but at this point, registered nursing characteristics will be incorporated into his or her everyday nursing practice. Many students actually say that they believe every nurse should be an RN, since they have found more pleasure in a higher level of nursing knowledge and feel more prepared to provide comprehensive care to patients.

The process of professional socialization from practical to registered nursing ends when you, the student, complete the four stages and enter a new role as a nurse. While moving along the road to this final goal, you will experience many emotions, which may be eased somewhat by remembering that a transition must occur during the process. Please allow yourself to participate fully in new experiences and take advantage of assistance from family, friends, fellow students, and nursing instructors. The world of nursing is opening up for you in ways you could not know before. Prepare yourself for new ways of planning, implementing, and evaluating patient care as you assume the role of registered nurse.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Professional Socialization
Professional socialization can be defined as a way through which people may equip themselves with different types of skills, ethical values and even on how they associate with other people especially in their area of professionalism. It is the image portrayed by someone to other people through the use of professional skills in their line of duty (Nightingale, 1992). In the line and profession of nursing there are codes of conduct that one should follow when offering services needed by others. Therefore in general professional socialization can be defined as the self-image that one portrays to others in their area of profession and on how one performs duty in the recommended way.
In the first stage of role transition, this is when a student in the nursing profession starts the LPN-RN program. At this stage the student has different emotions that are mixed with joy and also fear on whether he or she will be able to accomplish the task (Davies, 2002). Students also at this stage are very anxious about the nursing profession and they are willing to lean more in the field of nursing
In the second stage, the student is required to learn about nursing and nursing education. It is a bit challenging compared to the first stage since at this stage the student is expected to perform various practices and a student may not be sure if he will make it by scoring good grades in the exams as they find it difficult when it comes to the laboratory analysis. Thus some of the students feel insecure and are always in doubt about their performance in nursing (Nightingale, 1992).
At the third stage, the student is expected to have adopted the norms and values of a registered nurse. This is usually characterized when a student shows the zeal to know more about nursing and making sure that he is able to acquire the required skills that will enable him to perform various skills. This is the stage that the student’s mind is relaxed and he is free from fear as he has already gain confidence and he is familiar with the nursing knowledge. One fins it normal in learning new skills in the profession.
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