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Essay Instructions:

Writing Assignment #3 will be a personal research narrative essay, which sometimes is referred to as an “I-Search” paper. 

Background to this Essay:

In many classes in the past, you might have been instructed never to use the word “I” in your writing. However, throughout this class, in both the response essay and the reflective annotated bibliography, you have been instructed that the use of the word “I” was totally acceptable, even encouraged. In this essay, this use of first-person point of view continues. This essay is a research essay in which you use the word “I.”

Ken Macrorie, a professor at Western Michigan University, wrote a textbook in 1980 called The I-Search Paper. In the book, Macrorie criticized traditional research papers that students were often asked to produce in classes. He designed, instead, a type of research paper that asked students to use the first-person point of view (“I”) in their papers, encouraged them to explore topics that were of interest to them, and required that they comment on their research journey in finding sources and information on their topics as much as on any arguments or conclusions they were making on their topics.

This writing assignment in WRTG 291 is informed by Macrorie’s approach, although it does not involve all elements of the research process he asked for.

In the e-reserves section of our class, you will find a chapter from Linda Bergmann, “Writing a Personal Research Narrative.” Please access that chapter. 

In that chapter, please read “The Personal Research (‘I Search’) Paper,” starting on page 160.

On page 160, Bergmann (2010) writes:

Although an I-Search assignment calls for a personal narrative, like most academic writing it is written to communicate to a particular audience, not for the writer alone. Its purpose is to help you discover and communicate the personal and professional significance of your research to a particular audience.

Moreover, pages 161-162 in Bergmann’s chapter list some steps to take in organizing and preparing to write your paper. 

Sample Personal Research Narrative Essays:

On pages 162-166 of Bergmann's chapter is a sample personal research narrative essay.

Another sample I-Search paper can be seen by clicking here, although this example has fewer sources and fewer scholarly sources than this assignment calls for.

Moving from the Reflective Annotated Bibliography to the Personal Research Narrative:

For writing assignment #2, you wrote a reflective annotated bibliography on a topic related to technology. In that assignment, for each of the articles you found, you wrote not only a précis of the article but also some vocabulary, reflection, and quotes from the article. 

Hopefully through that assignment, you developed an interest in a focused aspect of your topic. The following describe some examples of focusing your topic:

•You may have conducted research on whether Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are effective classroom environments. For writing assignment #2, you may have found 5-6 articles on MOOCs in general.

Perhaps, as a result of your findings, you have now done more research and have focused on MOOCs for a particular field of study (e.g., computer programming or creative writing). You then found more articles related to not only MOOCs but also MOOCs for learning computer programming or MOOCs for learning creative writing.

•You may have conducted research on cybersecurity. For writing assignment #2, you may have found 5-6 articles on cybersecurity as a broad topic.

Perhaps, as a result of your findings, you have now done more research and have focused on cybersecurity and mobile devices. You then found more articles related to not only cybersecurity as a general topic but specifically on cybersecurity and mobile devices.

•You may have conducted research on technology in the health care industry. For writing assignment #2, you may have found 5-6 articles on technology in the health care industry.

Perhaps, as a result of your findings, you have now done more research and have focused on the cloud computing in the health care industry. You then found more articles specifically on this topic. 

It is this research experience on which you will write the personal research narrative. 

Examining the Sample Personal Research Narrative in Bergmann's Chapter:

Note how, in the sample student personal research narrative on page 162, the student begins by providing the background that gave him interest in the topic. He then discusses his first steps in researching the topic. As he describes his steps in the research process, he uses expressions like, “I was astounded by…” or “This idea seemed valid to me, but…” or “…let me to wonder…” or “At this point in my exploration I have come up with a slight dilemma.”

For your personal research narrative, you want to follow the same pattern. Describe to the reader what you thought when you started researching, what you already knew about the subject, what interested you in the subject, etc. Then describe your various steps, commenting on what surprised you, what ideas did not seem valid to you, what research articles you may have questioned, etc. 

You might consider your response essay, which was the first essay you wrote for this class. The personal research narrative is, in some ways, an expanded response essay. In the personal research narrative, you may be responding to several authors while providing a narrative of your thought process and learning process throughout your research journey.


Your paper should be 1800-2400 words. It should include at least ten sources, six of which should be scholarly. The sources are to be cited and listed in APA format.

Additional resources:

In our class, in the e-reserves section, we have a chapter from the book by Graff, G. and Birkenstein, C, They Say / I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing with Readings. The chapter mentions various techniques to apply in stating what an author said and your response to the author. As was recommended for the response essay, it is recommended that you read through that chapter so that you might apply these techniques to this essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Date of submission
Our society of scholars and practitioners acknowledges that the recent past has witnessed several cases of cyber insecurity. I agree with Rader, Wash and Brooks (2012) who define cyber insecurity as cases of attacks on computers or computer systems. I believe the latest known event of cyber insecurity occurred in December 2014. Specifically, Sony Pictures Entertainment experienced a cyber-attack that resulted in devastating losses because I was surprised to learn that hackers pilfered and erased their data. The cyber-attack on the Estonian government also attracted my attention to the subject because Herzog (2011) reveals many departments in the country’s government experienced a denial of service attack. As a result, I acknowledge that cyber insecurity is not only an interesting subject, but also a subject that requires attention from technologists. Therefore, I suggest that measures such as ….. be taken in order to curb cyber insecurity.
I believe cyber insecurity is possible because of existing vulnerabilities. To be specific, I believe that Reddy and Reddy (2014) are justified to mention that the main hacking tricks include using Trojan programs, fake websites, spyware, spoofing, pharming, and internet public records. For example, I believe that hackers use Trojan programs together with instant messaging applications to promote cyber insecurity. This owes to the reality that Gercke (2012) argues that hackers use Trojan programs to plant backdoors in computers and computer systems without notifying the users of the computers or computer system. It also came to my attention that spoofing enables cyber criminals to gain unauthorized access to computers. The argument is highlighted by the fact that hackers modify addresses from trusted websites and use such addresses to communicate with other computers as though the their computers have trusted addresses.
Gercke (2012) also increased my knowledge by highlighting that spyware is used by hackers for their activities. In fact, the author captured my attention by arguing that spyware can remove and gather information from a computer system without the knowledge of the user. Consequently, I believe hackers use spyware to monitor their victim’s computers and obtain useful information about their victims’ browsing activities. They could then divert the victims’ adverts and advertise their own links in order to earn money. The same author also acknowledges that pharming also enables cyber criminals to direct traffic to phony websites. Therefore, I deduced that hackers exploit vulnerabilities in DNS servers or change hosts file on their victims’ computer in order to apply the attacking technique. I made deduction because Zember and McGibbon (2012) explain the relationship between the DNS server, the host file, and website traffic.
After reviewing a publication by Bogdanoski and Petreski (n.d), I was able to acknowledge that fake websites also promote cyber insecurity. As evidence, I learnt that cyber criminals create fake websites and lure innocent internet users into their sites using links and advertisements. Such websites contain counterfeit business services or goods that gain the attention of most internet users. Consequently, the users can fill in their bank details into the website where they are stolen by hackers. The results of my study on cyber insecurity also reveal that cyber criminals use denial of service attacks to promote cyber insecurity. I made the conclusion after agreeing with Podhorec (2012), who argues that, hackers could spam a computer system with constant messages. It follows that such an action prevents users of the system from accessing or using the system.
I acknowledge that cyber insecurity is a problem to global society because of the large number of non-expert technology users. It is because they lack knowledge and training on computing technology yet, they make decisions that affect the security of systems they use. Consequently, I believe such a lack of training makes them vulnerable to cyber criminals who could use non-expert technology users’ computers or computer systems for criminal activities. I also believe that large fractions of non-expert technology users are home computer users because it is difficult for organizations to work with untrained workers. Nonetheless, my common sense translates that the effect of non-expert technology users on cyber security affects the entire society. Simply put, I agree with Zember and McGibbon (2012) because they mention that hackers could use backdoors installed in victims’ computers to cause harm to third parties.
It is also notable that statistics cited by Rader, Wash, and Brooks (2012) highlights my opinion that non-expert technology users do not know how to secure the computers or computer systems. This owes to the reality that the authors cite a study that examined opinions from non-expert technology users about their knowledge of cyber security. Their citation reveals that 32 percent of non-expert technology users did not know about threats, 35 % did not know how to secure their computers, 38 % did not know how to use security packages, and 43 % did not understand the threats from cyber insecurity. Considering the statistics mentioned by the authors above, I believe that non-expert technology users have a difficult time in managing computer security. In fact, it is possible that non-expert technology users have not secured their computers.
Further statistics from Rader, Wash, and Brooks (2012) reveals that a report released by Symantec in 2006 established 86 % of 2249 new threats targeted non-expert technology users. It is critical that I was also thrilled by Rader, Wash, and Brooks (2012) because the authors argue that non-expert technology users avoid security decisions by depending on other people or software to maintain security. Despite the fact that non-expert technology users delegate the responsibility of securing their computers, they still make major security decisions. While making such decisions, Rader, Wash, and Brooks (2012) argue that they often ignore security advice from trained professionals using excuses such as the cost and time involved to maintain their computer security. Therefore, I believe that untrained technology users contribute largely to the increasing case of cyber insecurity because they encourage criminals to search for loopholes in their security systems.
I believe that cybercrime has a significa...
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