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When we think about values, we often think about positive values like the ones Aristotle and Plato promoted: courage, honesty, and wisdom. However, not all personal values are constructive. In his theory of basic values (Chapter 4.13), Shalom Schwartz identified 10 universal values. He asks: “When people talk about values, they usually mean ‘moral’ values. Which values are moral and which are not? What makes a value ‘moral’?” (Schwartz). Building off of Schwartz’s framework, Illies and Reiter-Palmon (Chapter 4.14) “explored the role personal values play in destructive leader decision making and problem solving.”
The philosophical frameworks of deontology, utilitarianism, social contract theory, and virtue ethics can all be helpful to consider when trying to make an ethical decision. For example, should we take a utilitarian approach and consider what is best for the most? Should we take a deontological approach and value duty and individual dignity over all else? We use both our values and moral philosophies when we try to choose the right thing to do.
As with values, the philosophical frameworks have their benefits and limitations. In this discussion, we will be examining what causes leaders to make bad decisions in order to illuminate how applying moral values and ethical frameworks could have made for a more ethical decision.
Reflect upon a major ethical scandal you have encountered in your own life/career. What values impacted the decision-making process in the case? How could applying one or more of the philosophical frameworks discussed in the resources have changed the outcome? Did the leader’s actions highlight any of the limitations of the philosophical frameworks?
Alternatively, instead of discussing a personal example, you can review the resources in Chapters 4.21 and 4.22. Select one of these case studies and discuss what values impacted the decision-making process in the case. How could applying one or more of the philosophical frameworks discussed in the resources have changed the outcome? Do the leader’s actions highlight any of the limitations of the philosophical frameworks?
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Ethical Reflection
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November 15, 2024
Understanding how to reflect upon one’s leadership experience through a mental framework is important for everyone. It allows an individual to determine his shortcomings and . However, at the same time, I was well aware of some of the challenges that come with the role of being a project manager when handling a project in a nonprofit making organization that focuses on supporting underprivileged communities while at the same time being fully aware of the various ethical issues that surround projects that deal with the underprivileged in the society. Our project aimed to offer such materials, employment information, and training sessions for individuals in lower-income communities. The mission was evident. However, initiating and implementing such a project within the budget and time frame took more work than anticipated.
An important ethical decision-making issue emerged during the design of the project. As we sought to pitch for the next round of funding, we were told by leadership to focus on the numbers, for instance, the number of workshops conducted or the number of placements made into employment. It was helpful to see the significance of these figures in encouraging the donors. However, at the same time, I saw that these concerns would help to undermine the necessary attention on the less quantifiable yet crucial needs of some vulnerable clients in the identified community.
This prioritization meant we would spend money on more physically obvious, short-term interventions (such as group workshops) rather than the one-on-one support that many of our clients required. For example, some required group sessions to overcome issues like language or emotional problems. A...
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