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Essay Instructions:
Write a paper of 750 to 1100 words (3 to 4 typed, double-spaced pages) explaining the new economics of the Jazz Age. What new technologies, inventions, fashion trends, and social or cultural habits defined the decade? Be sure to discuss which groups of people were impacted and any lasting effects on their cultural community. Use specific examples to illustrate your points, but do not merely copy answers from the textbook. Creative thinking and your own wording are important aspects of an effective answer. Be sure to use proper citations for every idea that is not your own, whether quoted or paraphrased. You may choose to use either APA or MLA format, as long as you are consistent. A grading rubric for each of the written assignments can be found in the Evaluation Rubrics folder in Moodle. [MO 3.1] https://openstax(dot)org/books/us-history/pages/1-introduction
Essay Sample Content Preview:
The New Economics of the Jazz Age Student’s name Department: University Course: Course Code Instructor’s name Date The New Economics of the Jazz Age The era known as the Jazz Age, as for many people tightly connected with the 1920s, was a time of great economic, technological, and cultural growth in America. Rising out of the rubble of WWI, the nation moved on to the era of growth, technological and social changes, and the boom of industries. The decade was often referred to as the Roaring Twenties; new technological advancements in dressing, communications, and entertainment impacted different segments of the population, lubricating American culture permanently. Impacts of Technological Development on Economic Development Technological breakthroughs and developments of the 1920s changed industries and made way for new ways for most people to live. Several traditional methods of production were developed through the assembly line, the idea popularized by Henry Ford in the automobile industry. Consumers got an easily affordable Ford Model T, which favored the growth of middle-class Americans and the extensive development of suburbs and roads. By 1927, Ford Motor Firm had manufactured more than 15 million Model Ts, and the possession of an automobile was considered normal in the US (Friedman, 2018). The functioning of electricity was one of the major influential factors in economic growth. It also spread to rural areas, making homes, offices, and industries powered to allow for the use of eventful gadgets like refrigerators, washing machines, and radios. While these devices increased the efficiency of home usage, they also boosted consumerism. Some examples include the radio, which transformed into an important tool of entertainment and a unifying tool of the nation in the provision of information. At the end of the decade, close to 40% of households in the United States of America owned a radio to boost the nation's identity and encourage the spread of new cultures(Douglas, 2019). The aircraft industry also began to rise during this period. Aviation technology received significant investments, and in 1927, the transatlantic flight by Charles Lindbergh further encouraged a commitment to commercial and passenger aviation—these advancements were in line with the new changes in modernization and industrialization. Fashion and Social Trends It was also the age of social enlightenment and the liberation of women, which was influenced by a radical change of costumes. The so-called 'Flapper' type of culture symbolized the new ideas of the emancipated society of that time. They dressed in shorter skirts; cropped hair was a popular fashion statement, and they made up faces, representing freedom. This idea was further supported by the penetration of mass media, magazines,...
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