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2 pages/≈550 words
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English (U.S.)
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The United States reluctantly entered the First World War. In some ways, Americans still saw the United States as the New World and Europe as the Old World, and they wanted to avoid its long-standing feuds. Nevertheless, the German declaration of submarine warfare and the Zimmerman Note pushed the United States to declare war. After the war, many in the United States wanted to avoid a repeat and were reluctant to be involved in future European conflicts. Discuss the reasons for the U.S. entry into World War I and Wilson’s vision in his Fourteen Points. Why did the United States reject the League of Nations? How did the war affect the homefront, both economically and socially? 
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The United States Entry into World War I and Its Impact on Society" Student’s name Department: University Course: Course Code Instructor’s name Date The United States Entry into World War I and Its Impact on Society" American involvement in World War I more or less was a forced decision made out of a chain of events. One was the German unprovoked submarine easy warfare that not only violated neutral rights but also threatened American lives and commerce. During the war, breakpoints German U-boats sank all types of boats, including neutral and passenger ships, as part of the way of starving Britain (Tunc, 2018). Outrage of the American public was provoked by the sinking of the British passenger liner Lusitania in 1915 with 128 American victims. While the U.S. afforded Germany all the diplomatic cars due to its pledge not to sink American merchant vessels in the first place of the war, the Germans resumed its unrestricted submarine campaign in 1917, targeting all vessels, including those owned by Americans as an inadmissible violation of international and national sovereignty and commerce (Ross-Nazzal, 2021). Adding to this was the interception of the Zimmerman note, a secret cable in which Germany told Mexico to join the war on the side of Germany against the United States, promising them the states of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona once they win a war (Doenecke & Stoler, 2020). The economic, political, and security forces put together by the Germans made it almost impossible for the U.S. to sit and watch from the sideline as the world was being torn apart. President Woodrow Wilson Twisted the American people into thinking that America had no choice but to get involved because it was its duty to spread peace and democracy worldwide as he laid down his fourteen points before Congress in 1918. Wilson's plan described how the world would be structured after the war so that no wars would occur again. Thus, The principles included anti-imperialism, freedom of the seas, reduction of armaments, and the principle of national self-determination...
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