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Essay Instructions:
Discuss a president’s role in foreign policy, domestic policy, military readiness, and governmental administration. [MO6.1] Describe the evolution of the presidency from a weak to strong office. How would you describe today’s presidency? [MO6.1] Beginning with the intention to run for office to the general election, trace the path an individual usually takes from the start to taking the oath of office. [MO6.2] What is the electoral college, and what is its relevance in presidential elections? How are the number of electors arrived at? What is the unit rule, and what effect does it have on election strategy? [MO6.2] Each president must staff the cabinet, currently consisting of 15 departments. Each cabinet head commands a large organization charged with carrying out executive directives and implementing laws. As a whole, this represents the governmental bureaucracy. Provide a description of the types of responsibilities carried out by the bureaucracy, and explain the various bureaucratic organizations. [MO6.3] Discuss some of the factors that have an impact on presidential leadership, particularly the first 100 days. Include such things as public support or relations with Congress. Are there others? [MO6.2] Contrast the merit system and the patronage system regarding government employment. [MO6.3] Compare and contrast the three models of bureaucracy. [MO6.3] Often called the fourth branch of government, the bureaucracy has tremendous power in its ability to implement policy. Discuss this power. [MO6.3] The Congress can hold the president accountable for all actions. Who holds the bureaucracy accountable for its actions or lack thereof? What are some of the methods used for bureaucratic accountability? [MO6.3] https://textbooks(dot)whatcom(dot)edu/amgov/part/american-government-and-civic-engagement/
Essay Sample Content Preview:
The American Presidency Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation The American Presidency The American presidency is one of the most powerful institutions in the world. The presidency outlines the roles and responsibilities of the president as the head of state and government as well as the commander in chief of the armed forces. Bearing the position of the US in the global socio-political and economic trends, the responsibilities of the American presidency extend beyond domestic needs. That is, foreign engagements also form a significant component of the presidency. Understanding the complexity of the American presidency is a critical step in exploring one of the most important institutions of democracy in the US. The President’s Roles The president of the US plays multiple roles. In foreign policy, the president negotiates treaties with other states upon the approval of the Senate. The president can also deploy military forces, appoint ambassadors, and represent the nation on the global platform (Krutz, 2021). In domestic policy, the president sets the agenda by collaborating with Congress to enact laws over which the country runs. The other domestic policy areas in which the president is involved include healthcare, infrastructure, and education. In military readiness, the president is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. As such, he sets the military strategy, decides how the military is used, and appoints leaders in the military (Krutz, 2021). Finally, the president is also involved in government administration where he heads the executive, appoints the cabinet secretaries, and manages the daily operations of the federal government. Evolution of the Presidency The presidency has evolved from weak to strong over the years. The constitution intended to accord limited power to the president. However, the fact that powerful individuals like Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln occupied the office at some time influenced it to become the most powerful office in the country. Also, the roles played by presidents in crises such as the world wars enhanced the strength of the office. Presently, the presidency remains a powerful office (Krutz, 2021). However, its strength is anchored on the personality and the political allure of the occupant. The Road to Presidency The road to the White House is complex and demands strict adherence to each step. The early steps in the journey begin with the individual cultivating his/her image. Also, one can fundraise and form political relationships with various individuals to imply his/her intent. The next step is the for...
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