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Essay Instructions:
http://www(dot)whitehouse(dot)gov/ Visit the www(dot)whitehouse(dot)gov website. Take some time to examine current issues as well as suggestions for how citizens can participate in government. Have you ever participated in any of these ways? If so, what was the result? Discuss other ways citizens can make their voices known to or can interact with the executive branch of government. What does becoming informed have to do with the duties of a citizen? [MO6.2]
Essay Sample Content Preview:
US Executive Branch and Citizen Engagement Student’s Name Institution Course Tutor Date The Whitehouse website is a broad portal where one can see the current interests and activities of the United States executive branch. A brief assessment of the platform reveals several active issues; for instance, there is a massive $3 billion investment in the infrastructure of the ports, the Affordable Health Care Act is still under process, plans for employment and economic policies, Hispanics/Latinos, and other targeted demographics. These projects show comprehensive activities in the executive, which citizens must be informed of for a healthy democracy. How citizens can participate in governance The executive has created various means by which citizens can participate effectively in government affairs. The White House website facilitates direct communication with the President through various means, including text messages, letters, and online contact forms. For those seeking deeper involvement, programs such as the White House Fellowship and internship opportunities provide pathways for direct participation in government operations (The White House, 2017). These engagement options correctly demonstrate the administration’s concern and its efforts to capture the citizens' voice regarding policy formulation. Personal Experience with Government Participation Being a catholic, on 2022 December 31, we were mourning the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. While browsing, I came across the President's message consoling the Catholics and friends (House, 2022). That is when I first found myself on the Whitehouse website. On further interacting with the website, I noticed several forms of civic engagement that citizens frequently employ. These are sub...
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