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Linguistic: Reflective journal on Bilingualism, Raising a Bilingual Child

Essay Instructions:

Suppose that friends of yours were considering whether or not to raise their child bilingual, and wanted your opinion. Would you advise them one way or the other? What considerations would influence your advice? (Types of bilingual、quantity and quality of language input...etc)

250-400 words

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Raising a Bilingual Child
[date] Bilingualism is either learned or acquired. Learning a second language is mastering another language systematically from its phonological to pragmatic aspects. Acquisition of a second language means having access to an environment where the L2 is a mother tongue. That way, the person is exposed to the contextual and actual use of the language (De Houwer, 2009).
Personally, bilingualism should be part of a child's upbringing. Whether they learn or acquire the language depends on the access of the parents to the language. It is best to have the child be part of the L2 children. It means that the child will start to have exposure to the second language between ages 4 to 8. At this stage, the child will have enough basic knowledge of how language works. It is also still early for them to learn a second language that they will carry until adulthood (Herschensohn & Young-Scholten, 2013).
At ages 0 to 4, the child should be able to establish their mother tongue linguistic ability. They must be able to develop their pronunciation, word and sentence building, and comprehension of the words they hear. Developing these areas will help the child learn another language at the next stage more conveniently.
Learning a second language does not necessarily mean being an expert in the language in all aspects. Especiall...
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