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Laws of Motion and the Era of Newton

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Physics Final Essay
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The three laws of Motion introduced by Sir Isaac Newton describe the motion of the bodies and their interaction with each other. Even though the laws of motion put forwarded by Newton are still applicable in the present times, they were considered revolutionary three centuries ago (Watkins., 1997). He was one of the most influential scientists in the past era. His concepts laid the grounds of the contemporary physics. This particular paper analyses the Newton Law of Motions and advancements in them.
In relation to Motion, Newton has developed three laws. The first law put forwarded by Newton specifies that unless a force acts on the body such as planet, car or rubber ball, it remains in the state of rest or constant motion. This concept of Newton is often referred to as law of inertia. This law elucidates that an objects moves under the influence of the force. On the other hand, the second law of Newton is the quantitative description of the changes that can be produced following the application of a force on the body. According to this law, when any external force is applied to the object, it stimulates acceleration of the object in the same direction in which the force is action (Tinto., 2013). The mathematical representation of this concept is as follow: F=ma. In the preceding equation F corresponds to the Force action on the object while m denotes the mass of the body and reflect the acceleration with which the object is moving. It is eminent to mention here that force and acceleration are both vector quantities whereas mass is a scale quantity in the equation.
The second law of motion devised by Newton hold immense significance in the field of Physics. Furthermore, the third law of motion by Newton suggest that when two bodies interact with each other they exert and equal and opposite force upon each other. In common terms, this postulation of Newton is known as every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This concept of Newton can be observed in the recoil of the gun.
The laws of motion derived by Isaac Newton where significant part of the epic work that has made him pioneer. The development of Motion laws by Newton symbolizes the transition from the resurgence into the contemporary era. Over several years, the philosophers have argued on the nature of the Universe on the basis of explicit rules of logic. They placed strong emphasis on the concepts laid down by the classical philosophers. Prior to the derivation of the laws of Motion by Isaac Newton, the Ancient Greeks put forwarded the explanation of how the objects moved within the Universe. According to the Aristotle, th...
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