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Food and Cultural Identity of People

Essay Instructions:

Research Question: There is the saying that you are what you eat. For many international students, what they most often miss beside their families is the food that they associate with home. For this project, I want you to research this topic.

How is food central to an understanding of the culture that is part of your identity? How does this understanding of how others dine and what they eat lead to an empathy for the experience of being an international student? Why is food and the habit of dining as important to an identity as the language that we use?

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Food is a major marker of cultural identity to people around the globe. Culture is the ultimate difference creator with respect to who people are and where they originate. Culture is a valued phenomenon because it embodies every other facet of human life and moreover, advances individuals’ manner of communication and interactions. In this regard, food is more than a means of survival to becoming an essential part of individuals’ lives and plays a major role in how they perceive themselves (Stajcic, 2013). Food patterns enable individuals to connect to their ethnic or cultural group and consequently, retain their cultural identity. Food patterns reflect a people’s food habits. Food habits is a term used “to describe the manner in which humans use food, including everything from how it is chosen, acquired, and distributed to who prepares, serves, and eats it” (Almerico, 2014, p. 3). The thing with the food habits process is that it is unique to people and justifies why many spend a significant portion of their creativity, money, energy and time on eating. “You are what you eat” is the most familiar saying that epitomizes the exclusive ideal of food and identity.
When it comes to food and identity, people acclimate to the significance that the food in their plates hold and the food practices that are instrumental to personal identity. Food is an exceptional cultural signifier, which is amplified by the fact that it is diverse in various fields such as history, sociology, anthropology, and literature. Nations have specific links to specific links. Excellent examples include pizza and pasta in Italy and meat and potatoes in the United States (U.S.). This proposition enhances the understanding as to why immigrants are keen on using food as a means through which they can retain their cultural identity. To this end, they take into account the ingredients of a specific meal, preservation techniques and methods of preparation. It is fair to assert that the individuals’ families and ancestors impact their food likes and dislikes significantly.
On the other hand, there are distinctive type of diets including gourmet food, vegetarian, health food, synthetic foods and fast food. A study indicates that those who are accustomed to fast and synthetic food are highly likely to be religious conservatives with a preference for polyester clothing (Almerico, 2014). Individuals with a liking for health food were distinguished as Democrats and more importantly, antinuclear activists. Liberal and sophisticated were terms directed to gourmet food eaters. These predispositions indicate that the case for food has gained major relevance to the extent that there are self-descriptions and personalities directed to various food patterns. Foods consumed impacts other people’s perceptions about others. Based on a ‘good’ and ‘bad’ food eater criteria, people who ate ‘good’ food were judged in more favorable light and appeared to be more fit, active, and thinner than individual with similar physical characteristics and exercise habits, but then consumed ‘bad’ foods. The former group were deemed more analytical, methodical, practical, quiet, likable, and attractive.
Identity extends beyond these lines to include social and psychological factors, which have a role in influencing individuals’ food habits and choices. A couple of scholars have made their contributions to this subject-matter. Larson and Story (2009) conducted a study on these influences and assert that children are much more likely to take foods that adults they admire consume; for instance, teachers rather than their parents. Further, they are open to recipes and foods of their favorite fictional characters and peers particularly, their older siblings. Brown (2011) offered an analysis of the role that group approval or disapproval has on food consumptions. To this end, a food that is favored by the majority is highly likely to receive approval from the individual. Otherwise, if the group rejects the food, then the individual will follow suit. Such positions offer significant insight as to why relatively unpalatable food items are enjoyed across a wide...
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