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Should we perceive globalization as an ideological tool?

Essay Instructions:

essay topic: Should we perceive globalization as an ideological tool?

Part 1: identify the most important idea(s) from each of these modalities in the course as they contribute to your learning. Once identified, briefly explain why they are important to you, and record those conclusions in an electronic course journal.

Part 2: address what to do about these ideas and clearly ground your education and take ownership of your reality.

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Should Globalization Be Perceived As Ideological?
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Should Globalization Be Perceived As Ideological?
I. Part 1
The current course offers a panoramic view of globalization as a process. Throughout, I have come to understand globalization in a wider context yet also as informed by a multiplicity of local and global forces. The overarching concept I believe is of far-reaching implications is globalization as an ideology. That is, if globalization can be understood, as shown in several modalities in current course, as a process shaping and being shaped by political, economic, social and cultural forces within and beyond national borders, globalization, as such, can be framed as an ideology developed, maintained and sustained by dominant powers. The U.S. super power status is a case in point. The interests of U.S. Government are well beyond national borders. To establish and maintain alliances, particularly during military conflicts and major economic crises, U.S. Government ideologizes political, economic, social and cultural issues as “universal,” “global,” and “normal.” The reality is, however, many ideologies are competing against U.S. globalization (often characterized as Americanization) at minimal effect, so far. The emergence of China, however, offers a counterweight to current ideologized globalization. That is, if U.S. globalization, using China's once cheap workforce to manufacture and supply U.S. products and services, China, accumulating enough know-how from U.S. globalization process, is, as many commentators project, ready to assume world's leadership and, in doing so, to offer a different (ideologized) globalization version. Then again, globalization, in concept and as a practice, is not only about material goods and services moving across borders. Indeed, one main reason globalization is criticized, or praised ...
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