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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Rational World and Cultural Studies on Women

Essay Instructions:

Please write a reading reflection (about 250 words) using at least one of the following sources listed below.

For this week, please be sure to cite at least one of this week's readings:

W.P. My Kintsuki

Wei Ming Dariotis. “Academic Symbiosis: A Manifesto on Tenure and Promotion in Asian American Studies”

Brett J. Esaki. “Attack on the Spirit by the “Rational World” (and Spiritual Recovery from It).”

Melissa-Ann Nievera-Lozano. “Pain + Love = Growth: The Labor of Pinayist

Each weekly entry should include:

Add your name, section, and week of the entry!

Connect your lived experience to the theme of the week and provide your reaction to and analysis of at least one reading from that week. Professor may on occasion have a question you are to incorporate as well.

Entries should be about a paragraph long (or 200-400 words).

Link at least one audio or visual addition. Provide at least one question you have about the reading(s) or topic.

Check for grammar and typos.

Include a reference section. Make sure you cite sources (APA format) in your entry, including the addition of images and audio.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Rational World
Student’s Name
Department, University
Course Code: Course Name
Instructor’s Name
Rational World
Women are among the most marginalized groups in many social settings. Many females of minority groups face racial and gender segregation. It is the responsibility of all leaders in higher education to promote all students' welfare regardless of gender, race and background. It will also be in good faith if they take the responsibility to check on the Asian American community's welfare and make sound policy development systems (Hune et al.,2019).
The introduction of cultural studies in higher education will enable all students to develop some sense of cultural identity, which will help build their confidence. Adequate and equal support to all students will enable students to pursue their goals effectively. Leaders should also be fair to all students. There have been many incidents of poor leadership in higher education, which has led to the distraction of students' welfare in many institutions. Inequalities among leaders have led students from minority backgrounds to develop anxiety and reduc...
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