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Gender and Sexuality in Movies

Essay Instructions:

Watch "Portrait of a Woman on Fire."

Watch “Flaming Creatures” and Andy Warhol’s “My Hustler”

From Professor:

The papers must also contain your own thoughts, opinions, and criticisms of what we’ve been reading. Papers must be double-spaced, typed in 12-point Times New Roman or a similar font with one-inch margins top/bottom and left/right. The crafting of a paper of this length is often more difficult than writing a longer paper, so plan the time it will take to write accordingly. I am looking to see that you understand the material we are covering, therefore try not to bring in outside references unless they are relevant to the argument you are trying to make. I am more than happy to look at the papers before you hand in your final drafts.

Do not use Wikipedia. It’s not rigorously checked for factual accuracy and nor written by experts in the field.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gender and Sexuality
Gender and Sexuality
The three movies, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Flaming Creatures, and My Hustler, appear to be controversial in the eyes of common viewers. This is because they have scenes that several people perceive to be obscene or either promoting gay or lesbianism. However, one thing that is indeed clear from the three movies is that the movies highlight the aspect of gender and sexuality in an unconventional manner. For instance, from a conventional viewpoint, same-sex companionship is perceived as a taboo and abomination in many communities. Such perceptions still continue in the 21st century, even after same-sex activists have come out openly to acknowledge their status.
In Portrait of a Lady on Fire, for instance, same-sex romance seems to be highlighted through Marianne and Héloïse’s companionship (Sciamma, 2019). One key point from Marianne and Héloïse’s bonding in the movie, however, is that they don’t seem to have the freedom to openly show their feeling for each other in front of other people except for Sophie. It is evident from the movie that Marianne, Héloïse, and Sophie seems to freely mingle when they are alone in the house, and this is apparent in one scene where Héloïse overlooks her status as Marianne’s boss and instead joins her in preparing food while Sophie, the maid sits on a chair knitting.
Through the three characters, Sciamma, the director of the movie, is showing the public how gender affects sexuality. Marianne and Héloïse show their affection for each other freely when they are alone and hide their feelings for one another when they are joined with the rest of the family. Here the director insinuates that the female gender usually finds it hard to openly show their sexuality, especially when they have affection for people of the same gender as theirs, as is the case with Marianne and Héloïse.
In Flaming Creatures, Jack Smith, director of the movie, uses clothing to highlight the conventional aspect of gender and sexuality. In the movie Flaming Creatures, some perceived male creatures are showcased in female attires that indicate their sexuality as lesbians (Smith, 1963). Also, some creatures in attire...
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