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Problems in Communication at a Workplace

Essay Instructions:


Task1: under assignment you can find 'Shared Media: Evaluate the Video: Figuring Out What Other People Really Mean' write a 300 words video reaction( 1 page double space) return in a document do not submit

please include the following key points:

(Please watch the following video and think about your answers to the following questions: How did the manager and the worker end up with such different meanings for the same interpersonal message they were giving and receiving? Do you feel this was intentional or not? Explain your answer.

Now that you have watched the video once, go back and watch the video a second time and this time write down every word you feel the worker and the owner were not in sync with the other.

Lastly, list four specific ways to prevent similar situations to the one shown in the video that might occur in your own life. Please type up your ideas and upload your responses in a document.)


After finish task 1, write a small summery of what you write in task1 and return in a document do not submit.

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Communication is vital in almost every aspect of life. The video depicted the communication between the manager and the worker. The manager conveyed his message to the worker employing the right choice of words and gestures. In this scenario, the worker seems to be often late for work, having the same excuses over and over again. Punctuality is an important aspect of being a responsible employee. The manger has every right to express his disappointment and dismay on this worker who lacks the initiative to arrive on time for work. Based on their conversations, several chances have already been granted by the manager to this worker. However, the worker fails to perform his duty in arriving punctually and often employs the same excuses to the point that the manager had already memorized his lines.
The same interpersonal message were conveyed but were interpreted differently by the two parties involved. The manager tried to explain to the worker how important punctuality is in their line of work. The message that the manager was trying to convey is about the importance of punctuality and how the worker seemed to not change despite the number of chances given to him. On the part of the worker, instead of accepting his mistake and asking for forgiveness about his tardiness, he ends up explaining himself with the same reasons he has been using over and over again. Upon arriving to work, he didn’t approach first the manager to show respect and sincerity. Instead, the manager approached him first. In ...
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