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Anzaldúa's The Homeland

Essay Instructions:

The course is about racial formation and dimensions of culture. Here's the prompt for the reading journal:

You will generate a brief journal entry discussing a concept related to racial formation theory, the central framework of DOC 1. Reading journals are designed to support you in digesting course material, writing the Final Paper, and developing a critical reading process. Analyze specific examples from readings/lectures, but do not just quote or paraphrase them. If you do, explain in twice as many lines their meaning and significance and cite the material in APA format. This is an opportunity for you to think through the readings and lectures on your own. Use only assigned material. NO OUTSIDE SOURCES.

You can write the reading journal about ONE of the following topics:

Master Narrative

Racial Projects


Structure and representation

Please only use the reading material that I upload. I will upload the reading material by pictures. Thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reading Journal
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Reading Journal
While reviewing this week's reading, I noted several ideas about racism. Anzaldúa's The Homeland depicts aspects of racism and dimensions of culture. These aspects resonate well with our course content. The reading begins with a poem where the author relates her feelings regarding a long-barbed wire fence that separates the United States from Mexico's southern Latin nation. Her description of this form of separation reveals that there is an aspect of racism formed due to cultural differences. This separation can be considered to be an unclear and undecided establishment created by the culture and demonstration of what may seem to be unnatural separation.
Further, the separation also portrays that only those in power have the aptitude of considering themselves legitimate. On historical grounds, the cruel separation at this borderline provides evidence that the aspect of racism might have resulted from the idea of southwest America being forcefully stolen from its original inhabitants, the Aztecs. This later brought about white supremacy against them. Being forcefully ejected from southwest America also shows that the "open wound" created by the fence along the border figuratively and split the Chicanos.
This ethnic group living along the border could not have a full identity of themselves in terms of their heritage or the mainstream United States culture. This resulted in a separate crossbreed identity that triggered racism among the North Americans and the Southerners. This has heightened the intensity of racial prognosis to the extent that the Un...
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