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2 pages/≈550 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Cellphone use in the workplace. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

2 pages introduce your idea for your project

Topic: Cellphone use in the workplace

Introduction to the Activity

For your Final Project, consider a problem you see in the workplace which can be solved with an effective solution such as a product, event, creation of a job, etc. You will research the problem, how the problem developed and discover what product, event, occupation, etc. would attempt to address the problem. Consider the ways in which your Final Project could have a significant impact on your career path, leading to a possible promotion or furthering the mission of your organization. What solution(s) do you find that exists now that isn't working well? How would your creative object, for instance, solve the problem and work the best? This activity aligns with module outcome 3.

After studying and experiencing several different methods of creative problem solving in Modules 1-4 and gathering academic sources to study the problem during Module 6, you will demonstrate and reflect on the solution you have created to address the problem during Module 8.

Your Final Project will include three stages:

Module 4: Topic Selection

Module 6: Annotated Bibliography

Module 8: Demonstrated Solution and Reflective Essay

Your assignment for Module 4 is to introduce your idea for your project.

As you finalize your project in the next several weeks, please consider promoting yourself and your work by allowing our marketing department to review your final project. With your permission, they may edit and publish your reflections and your project. Here are some of the benefits of sharing your ideas:

Publishing credentials to include on resumes and in interviews (i.e. “I was featured in…”)

Being highlighted in an Excelsior publication leads to being highlighted in your own jobs (e.g.: company newsletters, bulletin boards, circulars, etc.)

Notoriety (Being known as a go getter, problem solver, pioneer, etc. The boss would know you as the creative employee who advances innovation and aligns with the company’s mission.)

You can view an example of an Excelsior student's project here:

Lee Baker Spurs Innovation: HUM 305 at Work at GE (Links to an external site.)

Content Requirements

In a 1 to 2-page reflective essay, introduce your idea and topic for your Final Project.

Name your topic. Begin by describing the process of selecting a problem you see in society which could be solved with a product, event, job, etc. How did you use the “Zig-Zag Approach?”

Describe the outcome of the The Art of Insight Listening Exercises. How did the exercises assist you in deciding on your topic?

Explain the reasons why you have chosen to take on this problem.

Name the ways in which the creative solution you have in mind relates to your workplace or a future workplace you are preparing to enter.

Discuss the ways that solving this problem might have a positive impact on your career path, leading to a possible promotion or furthering the mission of your organization.

Discuss some of the circumstances that led to the problem and offer preliminary thoughts on how you will choose the method(s) you may use to address it. How might you use creative problem solving methods you have learned in Modules 1 through 4?

Writing Requirements:

Begin with an interesting introduction with details about the process of selecting your topic.

Logically organize your ideas, ensuring that there are transitions between each paragraph.

Use proper grammar and syntax.

Include detailed descriptions of the process of choosing the problem and thoughts on the method(s) you may use to solve it.

Discuss the impact of your topic on your career path.

Use terms from the course readings and videos to make your points.

Summarize your thoughts in an inclusive, incisive conclusion.

A reflective essay is purposeful, personal, perceptive, and polished. To learn more about writing a reflective essay, please see the information provided by the Writing Center at Saint Mary's University of Minnesota (Links to an external site.)(then click on Reflective Writing).

Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer. For those assignments that are not written essays and require uploading images or PowerPoint slides, please follow uploading guidelines provided by your instructor.

Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to submit your work, click “Upload Submission.” Enter the submission title and then click on “Select a file to upload.” Browse your computer, and select your file. Click “Open” and verify the correct file name has appeared next to Submission File. Click on “Continue.” Confirm submission is correct and then click on “Accept Submission & Save.”


This course has Turnitin® fully integrated into the course dropbox. This means that you should only submit your assignments to the dropbox below. Please do not submit your assignment directly to Turnitin.com.

Once submitted, your assignment will be evaluated by Turnitin® automatically. You will be able to view an Originality Report within minutes of your first submission that will show how much of your work has been identified as similar to other sources such as websites, textbooks, or other student papers. Use your Originality Report as a learning tool to identify areas of your assignment that you may not have cited appropriately. You may resubmit your assignment through this dropbox as many times as you need to check to see if you have made improvements, until the due date of the assignment. However, once you have made your first submission, you will need to wait 24 hours after each subsequent submission to receive a new Originality Report. Plan accordingly as you draft your assignment. Once the due date has passed, your assignment submission will be considered final.


This assignment will be graded using the SLA Reflective Essay Rubric located on the Course Rubrics page within the Start Here section of the course. Please review the rubric prior to beginning your work so that you ensure your submission meets the criteria in place for this assignment. This assignment is worth 5% of your final course grade.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection: Research on Cellphone Use in Workplace
[date] The topic that I have chosen for this project is the use of cellphone in the workplace. This topic does not seem to make work ethics issues because most companies are not strict with gadget utilization. Some companies even allow cellphone use for transactions that necessarily need a mobile phone. I find this topic more interesting because there may be problems that cellphone use in the workplace creates. As a solution, some regulations must be proposed to prevent limiting cellphone use but make it less distracting.
In conceptualizing this topic, the zigzag approach allowed me to refer to other companies and workplace practices. This approach uses a method that checks on other existing researches, practices, and regulations that may be useful for other situations. The zigzag approach also allows the research to be more credible because the references are based on previous accounts with guaranteed effective solutions.
Deciding on this topic is more of an approach to a less acknowledged problem in society. It is probably common to use a cellphone in the workplace during working hours because companies do not limit personal matters. The exercises have allowed me to look at small workplace practices that may create problems for the company. The patches of problems may not disrupt the company, but they may create conflicts of interest. For instance, the employee may be too comfortable using gadgets for personal use that even the company technologies are being consumed for personal mat...
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