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Thesis Driven Persuasive Essay. Importance of Young Adults and their Connection to Church.

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Importance of Young Adults and their Connection to Church

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Importance of Young Adults and their Connection to Church
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Importance of Young Adults and their Connection to Church
Every generation comes with its differences. These differences can be quite deep and difficult to understand, especially when people want to perceive them from their generation’s point of view. The world is evolving, and so is the current generation. This generation was born when the world was experiencing a technology boom. They grew up with the World Wide Web, SMS text messaging, Mosaic Web Browser, Windows 95 came about and Internet Explorer, etc. All these things changed the world. All of a sudden, information became readily available, and people did not have to spend hours or even days conducting research or looking up global matters. These changes were immense, and even though the older generation was way past their prime, they were breeding a new one that consumed information faster and wanted to question everything. This new generation wanted to create just like their role models Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, among others in different fields. This generation has seen how science has helped to propel the world forward and so wish to be a part of such movements. Also, they are not in agreement with the church’s doubtless stance, and how the church responds to questions of doubt. In light of the above, this essay seeks to further the stance that the church is alienating itself from the young adults and creating an unwelcoming atmosphere.
The world is becoming more creative with each passing day. Those who can re-imagine, re-create, or rethink the obvious are finding themselves some of the most lucrative jobs in the world. Having grown up in an age of creativity, young adults or those between the ages of 18 to 29 want to create. They want to leave an imprint or a mark of their own. However, the church’s cautious approach, and its lack of active engagement in the creative world, makes it less attractive to the young adults who wish to explore. Lister and Terry (2019) write that “creativity is the language of the culture.” They also state that “creatives create culture,” but all this is happening outside the church. With the church taking an outsider role, and the young generation craving for a part of the conversation of culture, a disconnect ensues and one that pushes the young people away from the church.
The church has also, on several occasions, taken unpopular stances on matt...
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