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Extra Credit 2 The Film The Immigrant Directed By James Gray

Essay Instructions:

Watch the film The Immigrant (2013) directed by James Gray (starring Marion Cotillard, Joaquin Phoenix, Jeremy Renner). Write a critical reflection (300-400 words) about the film and connect it to the texts posted for Nov 14 (the texts by Lauren Berlant and Anne Kustritz). Additionally, can you connect The Immigrant to the film Tangerine watched in class? To any of the other films watched in class?

Here is a link to the trailer: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=6dilH8e9qzg

The film can be watched on Netflix or other online platforms.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Extra Credit 2
Extra Credit 2
In the film “The Immigrant”, Ewa plays an immigrant lady from Poland who has been forced into prostitution to get enough money to bribe authorities to let go of her sister Magda who has been quarantined by the authorities because she is sick (Shone, 2014). There is a contrast with Tangerine because there, the sex work by Sin-Dee and Alexandra is more for survival and is a matter of choice. There is a feeling that Ewa would not have delved into prostitution if she had an option. Sin-Dee and Alexandra have an option but the choice they have.
The struggle for love and attention is also in both instances. Bruno and Emil struggle for the attention of and love of Ewa. There struggle turns chaotic and in once instance, Bruno is even arrested after a scuffle at a bar. In the end, it turns chaotic as Bruno stabs Emil to death believing ...
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