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Entrepreneurship essay Assignment 7

Essay Instructions:
ASSIGNMENT 07 BZ450 Entrepreneurship Directions: Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements. Part A: What is intellectual property? Why is it called "intellectual" property? Why is intellectual property such an important issue for entrepreneurial firms? Part B: Identify and briefly describe the three types of patents. Part C: What is a trademark? Why are trademarks important? Part D: What is a copyright? What is protected by a copyright? This is the end of Assignment 07.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

What is intellectual property?
The creation of the mind, literary, artist works, inventions and symbols that are used in commerce are the ones referred to as intellectual property. It is noted that intellectual properties are divided into two categories which includes the industrial properties and the copyright. In industrial properties, they include trademarks, patents for inventions, industrial designs as well as the geographical indications. Intellectual property in mainly refereed to as intellectual since It is a product of the intellect derived by ideas.
Importance of Intellectual Property
It is believe that many people would ague that entrepreneurs don`t want corporate investors since they don`t dream of their intellectual properties stolen. The fact is that intellectual properties are crucial and as they have the intellectual properties rights and they assist in almost every dimension due to technology which may not be owned by the competitors. The other thing is that intellectual properties rights are an important asset of the entrepreneurial company the reason to believe that corporate investors should not have a significant disadvantage when competing with independence venture capacities.
An exclusive right which is granted for an invention, a product, a new way of doing something or an offer, a new technical solution problem can be described in one term as patent. A patent provides patent owners with protection for their invention, where the protection is granted for a limited period of about twenty years.
Identify and briefly describe the three types of patents.
There are several types of patents which rage from plant patents, utility patents as well as design patents.
When it comes to plants patents, they are known to be the least frequently issued type of patents...
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