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Ending Gun Violence: How can we as a community end gun violence?

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, you will show that you are achieving important learning outcomes:

Interpret information through close and critical reading.

Demonstrate effective use of the writing process.

Employ effective academic tone, style, mechanics, and citation method.

Integrate relevant source material effectively and ethically.

Support a position appropriate to the rhetorical situation.

You will submit a formal, alphanumeric, full-sentence outline formatted in proper APA style. The outline must organize your argument into an introduction, conclusion, and at least five body sections (approximately 550 words or more). The introduction section must include a working thesis statement, which is an arguable response to your research question. Each body section should contain a topic sentence and subordinate claims and evidence from at least five credible and scholarly sources. Paraphrases, summaries, and quotes must be cited accurately and used with integrity. This assignment requires a title page and a reference list.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ending Gun Violence
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Gun violence has become a hot button topic amongst policymakers, the public, law enforcement, and gun retailers. According to WHO, there is a drastic rise in gun violence in the last decade, and the numbers keep rising. While public law enforcers have suggested diverse strategies, a detailed examination and evaluation of the factors causing gun violence, mass education of the risks of owning a gun, and mandatory training should serve as the foundational steps in eradicating gun violence.
Over the last decade scholars, policymakers have suggested a change of attitude, perception towards gun use as a lasting solution to the gun menace. According to the Congressional Research Service, approximately three-quarters of the U.S. population a gun but do not know how to use themCITATION Pol19 \p 50 \l 1033 (Police Executive Research Forum, 2019, p. 50). Today in the U.S., it is not an unusual scene to witness a teenager armed with a gun. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to educate the population about gun use and the laws governing gun use. Offering training seminars ensure proper handling of firearms and portray guns as a form of protection, not entertainment or violenceCITATION Pre20 \p 1 \l 1033 (Prevention Institute, 2020, p. 1). Remarkably this inclusive approach will elicit public participation in the fight against gun violence by unifying the voice and opinions of people from all races, class, and sexuality in the fight against gun violence
Gun violence is an unrelenting problem that requires the collective effort of all members of the community. Although mass shootings are the most highly publicized, gun homicides, domestic gun violence, and misuse of guns by law enforcement common, especially in minority communities CITATION Int20 \l 1033 (Intervention Strategies, 2020). In this regard, community members should advocate for stricter rules, policies, and regulations on gun ownership and use. Increased community participation will harness people's voices and opinions from all races, class, and sexuality in the fight against gun violence to facilitate gun safety cultureCITATION Bie14 \p 1 \l 1033 (Sa...
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