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How Education Changed During the Past 100 Years

Essay Instructions:

Paper 1 Guidelines


The purpose of this assignment is to develop your ability to create an argument based on creating a conceptual relationship between two sources. This assignment will serve as an introduction to the rigor of college-level writing and the methods through which scholars consider arguments.


What do the concerns about education expressed by John Dewey in 1916 and the concerns about education expressed by David Labaree in 2018 tell you about how education changed during the years between their eras?


For this assignment, you'll be using John Dewey's 1916 “Education as a Necessity of Life” (Chapter 1 from Democracy and Education) and “Public Good for Private Gain: The Declining American Commitment to Serving the Public Good” written by David Labaree in 2018.


• This is not an essay whose main argument should be a simple compare/contrast relationship. While it is likely that some comparisons will serve as your evidence, they should serve a bigger overall argument.

• Evidence from both texts should serve as the support for your argument.

• This is not an essay in which we are trying to identify what is wrong with education and fix it; instead, we’re looking at the implications of two articles written a hundred years apart on our understanding of how education has changed over time.

• Even though these texts are both clearly argument sources, this essay involves using these texts as exhibit sources – as exhibits of what was true about education in their time periods.

Specifics and Timeline

• 3-5 typed, double-spaced pages

• Worth 15% of your grade

• Rough drafts of the introduction only due in my email inbox by 8pm on Wednesday, 2/3

• Rough drafts of one body paragraph due in my email inbox by 8pm on Monday, 2/8

• Completed rough drafts due in my email inbox by 8pm on Wednesday, 2/10

• Final drafts due Thursday, 2/18 by 11:59pm as a Word document via email.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How Education Changed during the Past 100 Years
Course Code:
Education can be defined as giving and receiving information in the natural environment and in a formal setting to shape one's knowledge, skills, ambitions, and beliefs to enable them to become better people in society. Since human existence, the desire for man to know more has always existed. His surrounding has always informed this desire, and therefore, curiosity is an inborn instinct. Unlike in our modern times, people in the earlier days used to learn from nature and their elders. This type of education is known as informal education. It is based mainly on human experience and cultural beliefs and is transmitted from one generation to the next verbally. Nowadays, each country has its system of formal education whereby young children go to school to learn. As we all know, change is inevitable. This change can be associated with man's desire to know more each day. We learn from our past mistakes, and this helps inform our future lives. This change is also seen in our formal education system.
In the last 100 years, thoughts on education and how children should best be educated have differed enormously. Various scholars have tried to come up with different modes of teaching the young generation to no avail. This difference can be associated with the fact that all human beings were not born with the same interests in life. Furthermore, each person has their intellectual capabilities and different viewpoints on life as a whole. Most countries have changed their education systems drastically several times over the past 100 years.
In John Dewey's book, "Democracy and Education," the first chapter, "Education as a Necessity of Life," the author expresses his views on education, describing it as a means of renewal of life the importance of communication as a means of educating people. The necessity of teaching and learning so that society can continue existing in a truism way of life, the importance of schools in transforming human immaturity, and the similarities that distinguish people in a community. Additionally, the fact that human relations in social groups are for personal interest and the danger that formal education creates from lack of natural experience are some of the points that John Dewey states in his book. These and other points were his perspectives on education more than 100 years ago.
During this time, schools primarily aimed to train young people to become capable workers who can help promote economic success and prosperity in a nation CITATION Lab10 \l 1033 (Labaree, 2010). This purpose is because of the industrialization that was happening worldwide, unlike in previous years, where education was mainly meant to turn young people into virtuous, competent citizens.
In a 2018 journal by David Labaree, entitled "Public schools for private gain: The declining American commitment to serving the public good," the author talks about how the primary purpose of schools, which is to aid in the public good, has been distorted over the last century into private and personal gain. He approaches his argument from a historical perspective, contrasting how it was 100 years ago and how it is up to this point in time. As a result of this change, our current education system has benefited our modern society members and suffered worse consequences in recent times.
According to John Dewey, formal education is very vital for the continuity of existence in truism. Truism refers to a state whereby what is said about something is just what you look at, either physically or in thought. He believed that schools are among the important means in transforming human behavior from that which is termed immature to maturity. T...
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