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Causes and Effects of Depression on Human Health

Essay Instructions:

Cause and Effect Essay:Enter your subtitle hereFirst and Last

Cause and Effect Essay:Enter your subtitle hereIntroductionThis will be a 4-5 page paper, using this template. This is an APA-style template with text formatted as Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced. Use this template and don’t make any changes to it. This should help you construct your essay more easily.The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate a cause and effect of a chosen topic. For this paper it is essential that you have a strong thesis statement so that you can tie the causes and effects neatly into your thesis and overall purpose. Your introduction should briefly summarize what will be in your essay. You can begin your introduction with a hook, or statement that is related to your topic but also grabs the reader’s attention. Don’t use questions in any part of the introduction. As the writer you are the authority therefore you should state rather than question. Thesis (your thesis should be the last sentence of your introductory paragraph). History / Background of Chosen TopicBefore you can fully explain the causes and effects of your topic you should offer a brief background. This background should include any essential, relevant information that the reader would need to better understand your chosen topic. Remember that there may be people who are not familiar with your topic, thus a background explanation is necessary. CausesIn this section of the paper you’ll explain the causes or reasons behind your topic. For example, if you are discussing the world’s inability to cope with climate change, you should explain some of the causes behind this. This section should strictly discuss the causes or effects that have led, or are leading to, your chosen topic. EffectsThis section of your paper should highlight the effects of your topic. For example, if you are discussing the world’s inability to cope with climate change, what are the effects of this? One effect could be continued violent weather. Without appropriate change the world will continue to see a rise in violent storms. ConclusionYour conclusion should be a summary of the entire paper. Briefly summarize the key points, including the thesis. End your conclusion on a broad statement related to the overall purpose of your paper.

ReferencesYour References page should be on its own page at the end of your document. You’ll include two external, reliable, sources to use as part of this paper. Your sources should be formatted per APA guidelines. Visit the following site to review formatting guidelines.: https://owl(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Causes and Effects of Depression on Human Health
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Causes and Effects of Depression on Human Health
A study done by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) depicts that approximately 3-5% of people suffer from depression at some point in their lives (Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 2020). In particular, depression refers to a condition that makes a person feel disinterested, discouraged, hopeless, sad, and demotivated in life. People should seek assistance from specialists when they know that they are suffering from prolonged stress. Individuals must understand that stress is inevitable in life, and they need to learn how to deal with stressful situations. For example, when a person fails in an exam, one should not get stuck on how he or she is a low performer, but instead, the individual should know what caused the failure and work toward overcoming it so that next time he or she performs better. Depression is caused by various things common in life, such as divorce, business failure, poor academic performance, and adverse effects on human health if it remains unaddressed for an extended period.
Depression refers to a common mental health problem that can affect anyone regardless of gender, age, race, culture, or religion. Specifically, almost all people in the world experience stress at some point in their lives. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 264 million people suffer from depression worldwide (World Health Organization, 2020). Some of the factors that might cause stress include losing a loved one, business failure, poor academic performance, the lack of money to pay school fees, and losing a job. The majority of individuals encounter these issues in their lives, and the most significant thing is how they solve them. Those who address these problems faster prevent themselves from getting depressed. However, when these life stressors remain unresolved for a long period, they lead to depression. That is why people are encouraged to learn how to accept negative things that might come up in their lives to avoid chronic stress. Some of the renowned symptoms of depression include the lack of sexual desire, loss of appetite, weight gain or loss, changing sleep patterns, restlessness, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating or thinking (Goldman, 2019). As a result, individuals should avoid depression by learning how to accept things beyond their control.
One of the primary causes of depression is witnessing traumatic events. For example, children who face stressful situations while they are young are likely to get depressed. Some of these traumatic events include rape or violence. A child might hate something for the rest of his or her life due to its impact on the person when he or she first encountered it. Similarly, adults are prone to depression when they face traumatic events (Dorsey et al., 2017). For instance, soldiers sent to war have a high likelihood of becoming depressed when returning home. These individuals might kill or see other people die, and they are not expected to be remorseful on the battlefield since they can make poor decisions that might jeopardize their mission. As such, the replay of traumatic events in one's mind worsens the situation, and some people might hallucinate or get nightmares. Therefore, people who experience traumatic events should get proper assistance to overcome depression.
Misusing drugs is another thing that can cause depression. When individuals take drugs beyond the recommended or prescribed amount, it might affect their health adversely. Besides, abuse of drugs, such as alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana, impairs a person's thinking process. For example, many night accidents are caused by people who are driving while drunk. In particular, drug abuse enhances poor decisions or judging impairment. Some individuals engage in unprotected sexual intercourse with strangers when they have misused alcohol (Yazdi-Feyzabadi et al., 2019). For this reason, they might transmit dise...
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