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According to Immanuel Kant, "Why Is Breaking A Promise or Lying Immoral?"

Essay Instructions:

Topics for your Essay, Choose one

Topic A:

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of act-utilitarianism and virtue ethics. Which do you think is the better theory? How would you combine the two approaches to fashion a better theory?

Topic B:

Suppose you have an opportunity to either: (1) send $800 to an area suffering from famine to save a dozen people from starvation or (2) give the money to your little sister to buy books for college. Which would you do? Why? Explain which moral theory aligns with your decision making process.

Topic C:

According to Kant, why is breaking a promise or lying immoral? Do you agree with his reasoning? Why or why not? Can you imagine a case where one ought to lie or break a promise? Explain.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Immanuel Kant On Why Is Breaking A Promise or Lying Immoral
Immanuel Kant On Why Is Breaking A Promise or Lying Immoral
Making promises is part of our daily lives. We often make promises when we need a favor from the person or face a challenge, and we want them to feel better from the challenge. However, other people may break the promise and disappointing the person waiting to fulfill the promise. In some cases, the promise could lie that a person only made the promise to make one feel comfortable or recover from a situation. Immanuel Kant believed that breaking a promise or lying is immoral. This essay disagrees with Kant that breaking a promise or lying is immoral and describes a scenario where one ought to break a promise or lie.
Immanuel Kant believes that building trust and honesty is fundamental in our daily lives. He holds that we should always act in a principle that others could adapt and act on, meaning that we should not treat ourselves as an exception in that particular case (Kemp, 2019). This Kantian belief is the same as what most religious groups believe should treat others how you would wish treated.
Kant's system stands firm on certain behaviors claiming that they are wrong and no reason given justifies the actions; they are wrong for any person, at any time, and in any society. He gives an example of failing to honor a promise or giving a promise that you do not intent on keeping (Kemp, 2019). Kant states that when we make a false promise, we act on a principle that no one can adopt. Assuming that everyone adopts a lying system, it means that no one would trust anyone because they would not honor their promises. No one would accept anybody's promises in the end.
Lying to someone to benefit yourself means using the person as a means and not an ...
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