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Dinner at My House Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

tell a story that conveys a particular lesson

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Dinner at My House
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Every year on Halloween, I invite my relatives and friends for dinner at my house. The previous Halloween was great, as I called up to twenty friends and cousins of mine and got a special meal prepared by the top chef of the city. Julie, Jesse, Molly, John and everyone else came to my house on time. I did not forget to call my uncle and aunt (Mr. and Mrs. Walker) at this dinner party. The meal was ready by 8:00 p.m., and after taking my permission, the chef and his team began decorating the dining table and placed the plates, glasses, spoons and other things appropriately.
I sat close to Molly as she is my best friend, Mr. and Mrs. Walker were seated close to each other, and the rest of the cousins and friends were surrounding us. Before having my food, I got to realize that I should serve Mr. and Mrs. Walker as they were seniors and deserved more respect than any other guest. So I offered some chicken to them along with white rice. The entire crowd praised the vegetable soup and wanted my chef to share the recipe, but he refused to share it claiming that if he would start sharing the recipes with guests, his business could get impacted.
We, the youngsters, had worn white shirts and black pants, while Mr. and Mrs. Walker were wearing blue outfits.
After the many thanks, oh’s, ah over the dinner, Julie, Jesse, Molly, John asked me to serve the wine to everyone, which I had arranged already thinking that they would definitely ask for it. Instead of running to the kitchen myself, I requested my kitchen staff to serve wine to the guests, which they happily did and this left a goo...
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