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Discuss aspects of the policy: What is included and excluded?

Essay Instructions:

Throughout this course, you will gain a deeper perspective of quality in health care and its importance in the health care industry. In this assignment, you will review a sample quality policy from a health care facility or provider.

Write a 1,000-1,250 word paper in which you assess the organization's quality policy. Include answers to the following questions:

Discuss aspects of the policy: What is included and excluded?

What area of the organization is affected by this policy?

Why was this policy created?

Cite at least three references, including your textbook.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Understanding Quality
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A quality policy refers to a document produced by the management of an organization to convey the requirements and orders of a top management team with regard to quality expectations in an organization. It ought to be properly defined and which can be communicated easily to all the stakeholders in an organization and who can in turn easily comprehend it and adhere to its requirements in an aim to establish and maintain quality of services and products within an organization. This paper will review the quality policy of Saint Georges Hospital.
To begin with, the policy outlines that the medical facility is first and foremost committed to the achievement of excellence in the provision of medical facilities through implementing the healthcare standards of quality. The quality standards of healthcare referred above include aspects like digital communication and handling of patient records, the clinical context management, and specification as well as lab interoperability and connection standards (Devine, Broderick, Harris, Wu & Hilfiker, 2016).
Secondly, the policy states that the hospital is committed to implementing both the national and international quality standards requirements in healthcare. National requirements, in this case, refer to the stipulated healthcare standards within a given country while on the other hand; the international requirements refer to the internationally expected standards that are to be met by a given health care facility in its provision of health care (Devine et al, 2016).
Elsewhere, the policy stipulates that the many years of experience in the provision of health services in the medical field will combine with the above-described aspect to improve the quality of the services which it offers to the people. The longer a firm has been in existence in the market, the better its experience certainly in that field. Additionally, with the longer and better experience, it means that an organization has gone through numerous challenges and it has consequently found solutions to such challenges and it, therefore, means a better and enhanced healthcare provision.
The policy continues to outline that its aim is to always ensure that its staff members and the physicians do share common objectives which have been set by the board. It, therefore, means that the board has to set some aims and goals which are then shared across every employee so as to ensure that customer satisfaction is achieve always. Additionally, the policy states that the process 0of developing the hospital is designed in such a way that it has got a continuous input from all the hospital units through the use of proper quality management tools. The tools are then used to point out the areas which need improvement which can then be worked on so as to boost a great deal, the quality of services of the facility (Betancourt, Green, Carrillo & Owusu Ananeh-Firempong, 2016).
From the assessment of the details which are discussed above, as much as the quality policy outlines the various aspects, it also in equal measure includes some aspects which are usually included in such policies by other health facilities. Good examples of such aspects which are excluded by the quality policy include like: the objectives and the discussion of how to specifically attain customer sati...
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