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Analysis of Unspeakable Conversation and Poor Teeth

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Analysis of Unspeakable Conversation and Poor Teeth
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The thesis of the A1 is the perception of the disability among people in different social class. The articles are Poor Teeth and Unspeakable conversation, whose authors are Sarah Smarsh and Harriet McBryde Johnson respectively. The unspeakable conversations the author addresses that the disabled children were killed at their tender age to ensure that they do not have a life of suffering as they grow. In the Poor teeth, the author assumes that the unhealthy teeth come as a result of the alcoholism or excess abuse of drugs while in real sense it is the inferior status that makes the people not to have access to dental care.
The evidence of all the above claims is outlined on page three. The Unspeakable conversation addresses the stereotype of being born to disable and claims that one who is disabled have problems in coping with and suffers a lot in the entire life. Therefore, the parents of such a child should ensure that the child dies at a tender age. On the other hand, the weak teeth provide evidence that the lower class Americans cannot access the proper healthcare facilities from where they can visit the dentist for treatment of their teeth hence the bad teeth problem.
The evidence above has a sense that it claims. The unspeakable conversation presents a sense that the society did not want to care for the disabled person among them. Besides, the community saw the disabled as people as a burden to them hence decides to make an unfair judgment against them. On the other hand, the article poor teeth present some meaning that ...
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