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After-Death Conceivability

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After-Death Conceivability
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After-Death Conceivability
Whether there is life after death is a question that has remained debatable among theologians, philosophers, and the public alike. In Perry’s dialogue, Sam argues that his conception of meeting his friend Gretchen two thousand years after their bodies have undergone destruction. To Sam, anything that he can conceive is plausible or possible. Therefore, it follows that there is a possibility for both Gretchen and Sam to survive destruction of their bodies. Suppose our bodies can survive destruction, then we are not identical to our bodies (Notes). In life, the survival of the body depends on the functioning of its structures, but if these structures stop functioning, death ensues (Setta & Shemie, 2015). However, there is a belief that as one dies, the atoms and molecules that make up their bodies will continue to support another, but identical person elsewhere. Another common belief in some people is that God, the Creator secretly the crucial matter from the dead person and replaces it with a corpse that looks like the buried body. Such beliefs and thoughts indicate that God continues to secure his creation by preserving existence. Therefore, the soul will continue to exist after the body has undergone destruction. In this essay, I agree that Sam’s after-death conceivability argument is plausible using the concept of immortality of the soul, the religious viewpoint, and the doctrine of dualism.
Applying the model of immortality of the soul supports the first premise of Sam’s argument on after-death conceivability. This model supports that the immaterial or unphysical soul can survive following the death of the body. Philosophical thinkers agree that humans are made of both the body and the soul (Rodrigues, 2014). While some scholars believe that something can only exist if it occupies space, it is not possible to perceive the human soul with human senses. Some other philosophers also argue that souls are found somewhere in space. Therefore, the evaluation of the immortality of the soul model proves that souls can exist even after the destruction of the bodies in which they initially dwelt.
Secondly, from the religious perspective, many religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam contend that souls will continue their exi...
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